April Showers III: The Mother Load

Honestly Ed
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2022


Poems by Ed Fields
In recognition of National Poetry Month

Photo of my sister Yvette (L) and mother, Victoria

My mother’s nickname is Mimi. It was one of those natural nicknames that eased into our lives with the birth of my nephew nearly fifteen years ago.

My mother and sister were the very first women I ever loved and I am fortunate to still have them both in my life. We have experienced triumphs and struggles. The concoction of dumb luck and decisions has textured our lives in ways that are familiar to us and only us.

I see them and they see me.

I shared my first post of personal poems in recognition of National Poetry Month in April 2020. This is now an annual tradition.

April Showers III blends some very new and some very old sentiments, including the timeless sweetness of Tupac’s Dear Mama. Tupac captured the brilliant resilience, commitment, and undying love of his mother, Afeni Shakur. He made us all feel connected to the mothers and mother figures that nurtured us through it all.

So, for my mother and yours, I hope you find a moment of revelry in these words as we transition from National Poetry Month to Mother’s Day.



Honestly Ed

Insights, revelry, and beauty from an essayist, poet, and civic strategist.