Chatbot statistics 2019

Vadim Cojocaru
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2019

Presently the technologies are those appliances which bring in our life the biggest change. Step by step, every domain suffers a complete transformation. Talking about chatbots, it is important to notice that these intelligent computer systems are getting better and better every year, that is why a lot of people trust them and are prepared to try this experience at a higher level.
It is not news that communication and consultation are at first-hand processes that encourage and motivate business. More than that, the tides show that people are progressively predisposed to interact via chat rather than phone calls or personal communication.
According to Google Trends, the interest about chatbots is getting intensified and this is not just an elementary desire to know them, everybody understands that with chatbot assistance, there can be solved an actual issue. Here we talk about the issues that occur in everyday life on the one hand and business issues on the other. Extraordinarily, but the search number using chatbots increased 19x over the last five years, conform statistics from Google Trends, on account of the fact that individuals as much as businesses from different branches began to realize and appreciate their importance.
Starting with the idea that a lot of consumers, especially online consumers, feel the need to be supported during shopping and that means 83% of them, we can point out the following percentage: 35% of consumers have already bought certain products like foodstuff or clothes with the help of a chatbot, 56% are curious in ordering at a restaurant through the instrumentality of a chatbot, 44% would make bank transfers using a bot according to Conversational Commerce by Capgemini Report — 2018.
Otherwise, customers expressed a great comfort using a voice assistant systematically or at least several times: satisfaction with food orders 87%; with money transactions 87% as well; product acquisitions 86%; taxi orders 83%.
Integrating a chatbot within a business represents the “investment boom” and that is because consumers are more and more counting on chatbots. A marketing chatbot is a great discovery and a recommendation for a business. An excellent model in this context represents Sephora with it’s messaging bot which strongly increased their average acquisition up to $50 and increased also in-store bookings by 11%.
Conforming to information collected 40% of people are indifferent who is giving them the help they need, a real person or a bot, and another 48% prefer to get in touch with an enterprise via live chat rather than other different communications.
Based on these increasing data year after year, we can point out that 96 % of businesses concluded that chatbots are doing a good job, and they must stay and develop, 80% of them argued that they are planning to use a chatbot by 2020, or are using it already, 67% of businesses consider that in the next 5 years chatbots will outrun mobile applications.
Generally speaking, it is forecasted that by 2022 only in banking and healthcare systems will be saved $ 8 billion with the help of chatbots and this is huge.
For example, customers questioned about chatbot advantages mentioned: 24-hour service (64%); direct responses (55%); answers to simple questions (55%) according to The 2018 State of Chatbot Reports by Drift — 2018.
According to Facebook IQ, though, there are sent a lot of messages via Facebook Messenger chats, the digit comes by 2 bln and these are just business-related communications. Also, 67% of study members revealed the intention to connect via chats with businesspersons and agents, and their wantings were entirely satisfied.
As it was mentioned below, an interesting controversy takes place when we are coming to compare chatbots with mobile applications. Users are sick and tired by the necessity of installing many certain applications to their devices, while a chatbot being used in partnership with a business can take advantage of it, operating at different platforms. Benefits like quick answers for simple and complex questions, the comfort of communication, a good customer experience with a chatbot are much more marked.
Conclusively, today like every time people need someone to ask questions or the best point of view, to accompany them and to clear up some confusions. Whatever can be the intention, an automated conversation is always better and more well-timed than a real person connecting to each user. The key tool in this sense is a chatbot, becoming more and more popular, making a fabulous activity, all the businesses should massively invest in it just to enjoy the benefits.

