Chatbots influence on the hotel industry.

Burduja Irina
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2019

There are many variations of artificial intelligence using. About some of them, we have mentioned within the previous articles. This time, though, we will make a reference to that business branch whom artificial intelligence and especially the chatbot can bring a lot of benefits. It is about the hospitality industry.
The global hotel industry is actively influenced by several elements to consider. The first is digitization. We are talking about smart rooms, the blockchain, mobile payments and among other things, the most interesting and innovative in our case, the artificial intelligence arm in arm with the chatbot. The second element that brings new trends in this field is based on customer behavior that is in a constant change. Due to the fact that customer expectations are different, the personalization of services will be that force that almost all hotels around the world will be focused on.
The good news is that this technology based on artificial intelligence called chatbot is not in its infancy. These very smart computer systems know how to do their job and already are doing it appropriately in terms of adapting to new customer expectations, being framed in a certain team from this section.
Analyzing the course of events, we can say with certainty that the most used tool in the communication process nowadays is, of course, the mobile phone. This opportunity allows users to decide when, where and how they would like to lead a conversation with a certain brand. A chatbot in this regard is more than useful, it is indispensable. Due to the fact that a bot is ready to chat with more than one user simultaneous, it is ready to do so through multiple communication channels, it makes it easy for employees, releasing them from the need to answer that variety of questions which is repeated every time. Another interest, any other way, consists in the possibility to interconnect with every single potential guest. All these taken together allow to save both time and money for hotel businesses on the one hand, and for guests on the other.
The personalization of customer experience. This is one of the most sure-footed tendencies which the chatbot developers are trying to materialize while they are setting up a chatbot for such a specific segment like hospitality. For example, a chatbot has the ability to predict some preferences and needs of a particular visitor taking into consideration his/her behavior or previous choices. Also, it can give some recommendations regarding a nearby restaurant, renting a car or trips which may interest the guest. Every hotel will try to make the experience of its guest a unique practice. Now that the competition in the hotel industry is a constantly growing process, a bot along with its competencies will serve as a distinctive feature that will highlight certain hotel services from many other existing. Keeping in mind that a hotel which is not afraid to try new technologies and incorporate them into its own structure regularly results in an increase in income, competitive advantage and number of clients.
A chatbot can increase the interest of a particular hotel considering the fact that it is able to transmit messages, different suggestions, information on current promotions to every single visitor, once interacted with him/her and already knowing the preferences of each person.
Consumer behavior is in a state of flux. A tourist wants security, wants genuine and wants respect, no matter if it is business or leisure. Fortunately, in many places, this idea comes to life thanks to artificial intelligence in general and to chatbot in particular. It is true that a tourist needs a good price, but most of all it needs a good service.

