Recruitment chatbots and their usefulness.

Burduja Irina
Published in
1 min readApr 17, 2019
The chatbot is one of those inventions that generate a powerful resonance here and now. It is an AI-powered computer program that slowly but surely runs into every market and industry just to make their activities more efficient, more dynamic and more productive.
In line with the above, it is meaningful to notice that the recruitment industry is the one which requires support most of all. Here a chatbot can fulfill its entire potential. But which are the real possibilities of these conversational agents in this regard?
Let’s begin with that substantial chatbot talent of taking over the repetitive tasks. Within the recruitment market, this know-how is more than appreciated. To use a chatbot for automating tasks like candidate pre-qualification, interview scheduling, answer FAQs (frequently asked questions) means to reduce the time of hiring and to elevate candidate experience.
Even if there are advanced chatbots working from machine learning, this is not mean that a real specialist intervention is not required anymore. It means that agencies from this segment must try to create a powerful tandem being expressed by a clever artificial assistant on the one hand and a recruitment agent at a certain moment in the course of the recruitment process on the other.
While chatbots will carry out such tasks, mentioned above, like recording data, answering candidate questions and asking an array of questions about a candidate competence, capability, and experience, recording specific details, setting up calls and meetings, providing at the same time a great experience to candidates, a recruiter will be free to qualify a big volume of candidates without doing some additional effort. As a result, a recruitment chatbot is able to productively reduce the time of hire, and the cost to hire. A chatbot selects candidates in such a way as to provide the agent only “quality material” to deal with. Also, an agent can butt in when a chatbot meets certain difficulties, so if it happens, the bot just sends that question or problem to be solved by a human being. But again, do not forget that a bot learns more and more with every single interaction being competent enough to make, over time, the right difference between qualified and unqualified candidates.
Keeping in mind the fact that a chatbot is nothing else than an AI technology-based software, it goes without saying that it is devoid of any emotion, being objective and impartial, so it will perceive and process all the details and the conversations with candidates accordingly.
As we mentioned before, chatbots bring automated technology and artificial intelligence in the recruitment procedure and also solve the headache of time wasted on reading job ads. Because it is difficult anyway to remember all the details of ads and companies you were interested in, as a result, it becomes quite confusing to apply. With a chatbot, however, the entire process can be reduced to just a few minutes. A chatbot is able to put questions in this sense referring to the area you’re interested in, how big the company might be, what you appreciate in a company or about a candidate’s experience in a particular field. So rather than wasting time reading job ads that sounds all pretty much the same, candidates might invest more in other activities, more valuable for their personality.
Another advantage is that a chatbot may be used via different channels and platforms like SMS, email, messaging apps like Slack, social media profiles like Facebook, being able to understand at the same time the language that is written and spoken and to respond properly.
It is relevant to mention that dealing with a chatbot is a pleasant and, in a way, a relaxed practice for candidates, as they are feeling freer to communicate with such a smart computer program.
In other words, investing in a chatbot means to make life easier for both, the recruitment industry and candidates. We should not be afraid that we will be replaced with artificial intelligence. What we should do is to think about how we can apply it in our system to enjoy the benefits that it offers and to reap the fruits.

