Community Automation: Leveraging Webhooks

Taylor Panagakis
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2020

Webhooks are an incredibly powerful tool used in a variety of ways that align your business objectives to your community objectives. Leverage actionable triggers to send your data through community automation and user information to any destination across thousands of different platforms.

We’d love to share some of our favorite webhooks and inspiration to help you automate your community management and communication.

Community Automation 🔑: Send To Zapier

Community Automation 101: Sending your community data to Zapier means you can access thousands of apps across dozens of different categories, basically the oyster of your webhook world and a great tool that does not require developer resources if you don’t have the resources to build from scratch😄

Create New Contacts In Your CRM

Keep your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool up-to-date with the most accurate data from your community by sending user data directly via Webhooks.

Update Existing Contacts In Your CRM

If you already have your audience built-out in your CRM tool, send an event to update a contact or deal property. If a user joins and performs a certain activity, have Honeycommb keep your CRM updated.

Get Notifications About Pending Users

Community managers are busy. We know. Get a customized notification about new pending users delivered directly to a Slack channel of your choice with all of the required information you need in order to approve that pending user into your community.

It’s also very simple to get that information delivered right to your inbox if you’re not a Slack user.

Invite New Pre-Approved Users

Tired of adding an email address into two different apps? No problem. Use the “Pre-Approved” webhook to trigger a customized email to a new user who you’d like to send a personalized invitation to.

Document Users With Google Sheets

Create a custom google sheet with the fields, columns and filters set up so you can organize and view your user-data in a way that most-suits your business.

Send Users To A Course Platform

Using a course platform like Udemy or SkillShare? Trigger a webhook to send users access to external course platforms to automate your workload.

Welcome Users To A Group

Some groups are really special to be apart of. When a user joins the group of your choice, trigger a webhook to send them an email about their new access in your community.

Add Users To Monthly Digest List

If you highlight the best of the best each month, you want to make sure all of your people are on the list. Send users directly to your email platform to make sure they receive your monthly communication.

Send Users A Triggered Survey

Whether you want to trigger a survey for pending users (like an application) or for existing users, SurveyMonkey, TypeForm and other advanced survey tools are great platforms for advanced data capture.

Analyze Each Content Piece

If you have a ton of content in your community, sometimes sorting through each piece is hard. Using a platform like Meaning Cloud, there’s loads of potential ways to deep dive into the way your network is creating content and what they’re talking about.

At the end of the day, community automation is as much about providing brands and organizations with a great community experience as it’s also about providing your users with a great community experience. Using Webhooks allows you to simplify your tasks through automation and provide a seamless experience for your audience.

Have any questions or other inspiration that you’d like added to this list? Send us a note at!

About Honeycommb:

Honeycommb is the best consumer-grade, complete, fan capture and engagement solution in the world that gives you total control and ownership over all data and content in your custom social network.

Reach out to Honeycommb today to get started or Book a Demo to see what we can build together for your audience.

