The Honeydew Hustle: Alex Bonvechio

Alex manages marketing and growth at ezCater and is working on growing the team. In her free time she redefines “powerful woman” and powerlifts competitively. With the time leftover, she plans her wedding…

Honeydew Hustle
4 min readNov 12, 2018


  • career: customer acq. and growth marketing at ezCater, a series B startup in Boston.
  • free time: competitive power lifting. “The literal goal is for women to be powerful. It’s such a cool thing, because I’m not always rewarded for exposing my power in other parts of my life.”
  • wedding planning tidbit: “We’re going for an upscale backyard wedding vibe…now, we’ve already done so much and we’re 8 months away and I just don’t feel like doing it anymore! Planning is not an enjoyable process, and I’m not that excited about it. Most vendors don’t get back to you, which is frustrating…If I have extra hours in my day, I’m going to spend it on my career and NOT my wedding.”

What do you do for a living (and why)?

I manage customer acquisition and growth marketing at ezCater. We were a startup when I joined a few years ago and now we’re close to 500 people! I started as an associate and since then I’ve taken over that entire program. Our growth in this area was pretty instrumental to securing a series B for the company.

I love how results driven the program is. It’s motivating to feel heard and honor each other’s ideas and strengths. Now, I have the opportunity to build a team.

What advice would you give to someone who’s growing a team?

Keep an open mind. Remember to value the people on your team that might be on the opposite side of the strengths spectrum as you are. You can grow your team of people who aren’t exactly like you. I have one team member who’s like me, and then one who is very different, and both contribute equally. As a manager, it’s important to recognize these strengths and foster them.

Remember to value the people on your team that might be on the opposite side of the strengths spectrum as you are. You can grow your team of people who aren’t exactly like you.

What do you do in your free time?

I’m sitting in the parking lot because I’m at a powerlifting meet. I compete and my brother is my coach. After college I wanted to get back into shape and found that power lifting makes you feel powerful. The literal goal is for women to be powerful. It’s such a cool thing, because I’m not always rewarded for exposing my power in other parts of my life. Having the platform where that’s the ultimate goal is refreshing.

I’ve been competing nationally.

The literal goal is for women to be powerful. It’s such a cool thing, because I’m not always rewarded for exposing my power in other parts of my life. Having the platform where that’s the ultimate goal is refreshing.

Power lifting in action

Tell me about your engagement story!

Three months prior to engagement, we decided we wanted to create a ring together. We went to jewelers and collaborated on an ethically sourced peach sapphire ring :)

How’s wedding planning going?

The whole point of our wedding is for it to be an enjoyable outdoor experience in the summertime that’s casual and relaxed, but also more upscale than a backyard wedding. We’re looking for vendors that fit that vibe. Now, we’ve already done so much and we’re 8 months away and I just don’t feel like doing it anymore!

Planning is not an enjoyable process, and I’m not that excited about it. Most vendors don’t get back to you, which is frustrating…If I have extra hours in my day, I’m going to spend it on my career and NOT my wedding.

It also would be easier if we didn’t have to manage the emotions of immediate family. I haven’t found the right balance of what’s important to family vs what is important to me, but I know I want to include them in things that mean a lot to them.

Planning is not an enjoyable process, and I’m not that excited about it. Most vendors don’t get back to you, which is frustrating…If I have extra hours in my day, I’m going to spend it on my career and NOT my wedding.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Alex — she’s brilliant to chat with: Instagram | LinkedIn .

We’re featuring stories of amazing women in business, education, medicine, and tech for whom wedding planning is just one of many priorities in their life. Why? We don’t see enough stories highlighting the fact that women have lives and goals before they get engaged and continue to pursue these goals in parallel to wedding planning.

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