The Honeydew Hustle: Nohea Cutting

She runs two eCommerce companies which she started because she recognized interesting niches in two completely different spaces (farmhouse decor and CBD.) Oh yeah, and she’s the Director of Marketing at Snow Teeth Whitening. When she’s not working or mountain biking, somehow…she wedding plans!

Honeydew Hustle
3 min readNov 29, 2018


  • career: owner and operator of two eCommerce companies (The Modern Rustic Home, and LiveWell.) Director of Marketing & Ops at Snow Teeth Whitening. “I’d get bored if I weren’t doing [all] that. I think it’s just in my blood — my dad’s been an entrepreneur since high school.”
  • free time: Mountain biking, extreme sports
  • wedding planning tidbit: “Well, I started like the same night we got engaged. I thought the whole thing would be really fun, because personality wise, I am a planner. What has surprised me is the lack of urgency that vendors have in this space. As a marketing and business person, the customer always comes first. A lot of vendors don’t seem to feel that way…”

What do you do for a living?

I own a couple eCommerce companies and also am the Head of Marketing at Snow Teeth Whitening. My first company is a Farmhouse home decor website, and the second is a CBD brand, to help with pain relief and sleep.

Wow. That’s a lot — and the Head of Marketing to top it off?

Yeah, I manage a team there. I’d be so bored if I weren’t doing that. I’m not the type of person who can just watch a show at the end of the day. I think it’s just in my blood. My dad’s been an entrepreneur since high school — so I just love branding and the business side of things. I can relate to people really well. Specifically, I saw a niche in these two markets and wanted to break the negative connotation for CBD and not have it be so associated with Marijuana. My goal with that company is to rebrand it with a clean aesthetic where people would be proud to show it off — not all Rastafarian colors.

With the home decor, I also saw niche in that market —farmhouse decor and furniture is hard to procure, but is super popular right now.

What’s one lesson you’ve learned?

Time management. Learn to break up your time efficiently so you can get the most out of it.

What do you do in your free time?

I love the outdoors and extreme sports — think mountain biking, snowboarding, etc.

What do you think of wedding planning?

Well, I started like the same night we got engaged. I thought the whole thing would be really fun, because personality wise, I am a planner. What has surprised me is the lack of urgency that vendors have in this space. As a marketing and business person, the customer always comes first. A lot of vendors don’t seem to feel that way…

For example, we were looking to do a wedding in the woods, and reached out to a company that specializes in this. They took three weeks to respond! I finally told them that they were no longer a fit, and they didn’t even follow up!

It makes the entire planning process more stressful. I’d rather not have to chase after vendors. So when I do it, it’s at super random times, like if I wake up at 3 in the morning one day and can’t sleep.

Tell us a little about your wedding!

We’re having a ceremony in the forest, then bussing everyone to a retreat in northern Arizona. We’ll have the reception there. My family friend is a crazy talented chef who has a trailer with a kitchen in it, so we plan for him to cater.

Follow Nohea’s personal blog, check out her farmhouse decor site, and explore the CBD wellness brand she’s started! We’re still in awe as we’re typing this, at all the amazing things Nohea’s working on.

We’re featuring stories of amazing women in business, education, medicine, and tech for whom wedding planning is just one of many priorities in their life. Why? We don’t see enough stories highlighting the fact that women have lives and goals before they get engaged and continue to pursue these goals in parallel to wedding planning.

Check out Honeydew if this sounds like you!

