Introducing Honeyminer: Day 1

Diggy The Bear
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2018

To our stakeholders & community members,

Today we’re proud to show the world what we’ve been working on for more than a year —

Honeyminer is the easiest-to-use Miner available, anywhere.

Thanks to each and everyone of you who is running Honeyminer, providing feedback, and helping make the Beta such a success: we wouldn’t be here without you and your dedication.

But today is just Day 1 for the Crypto ecosystem. Today, we have censorship-resistant money and new ways to fund and reward innovation and collaboration. But Tomorrow, we may go on to rewrite the entire world’s financial ecosystem and the way that digital services are delivered.

Do we want this world to be open, accessible, and more equal than ever before?

Or will we stand by while the new “industrial” crypto and existing big businesses shape this world to their liking?

We, as a community, have a window of opportunity to shape our Tomorrow. To make access to markets more free and easier for everyone. To band together to enhance our abilities and enable these new systems to be truly decentralized.

Together, we can try to increase the value each and every piece of hardware can generate for this new world market. This plan is not without risk: we will invest substantial resources and we must execute well to have a shot against monopoly hardware makers and centralized actors.

How will we do this?

It’s about our community Miner’s success.

We will focus on the long-term over any profits we might find in the short term.

We will increase earnings and pass through every cent of profit we can optimize from your machines. (We’ve already compiled and optimized over 40 mining programs and countless graphics cards — just to start.)

We will make bold rather than timid investment decisions in how we build Honeyminer to better serve the community.

We will share our strategies publicly (to the extent competitive pressures allow) — you can be the judge of our decisions yourself.

We will grow our team with the very best people we can find to pursue this mission.

Next to nothing else matters, except providing the best miner in the world, available to anyone and everyone who wants to learn crypto and bring their resources and talents to this new world we are building. Together.

So if you want to join us in this journey, please get in touch. Or simply run Honeyminer on your cluster or personal computer. And tell us how we can better serve you. We’re in this together.

— Diggy the Bear & the Honeyminer Team

If you read this far, and want to help introduce more people to mining and make our decentralized systems more secure, consider a few 👏 just below.

Download Honeyminer

