When Honeyminer Met Google

Diggy The Bear
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018
Googling “bitcoin” on July 24th came out with a link to Honeyminer’s Coindesk article

Dear Honeyminer Crew -

First, thank you to everyone for your support and patience while we brought Honeyminer’s technology back to stable.

We were overwhelmed by the response of putting our product out into the world — both the positive love we’ve gotten from many of you, and the sheer scale we’ve tried furiously to support. While we had spent significant time scaling our resources and architecture in preparation, we didn’t expect to be the top link in Google’s search for keyword “Bitcoin.”

Unfortunately, we discovered significant unpredicted bottlenecks that impacted everything but the mining (which is a separate system).

We sincerely apologize for the outages and are glad to share that we have finally resolved them. Honeyminer is back to 100% availability.

For the technical, our aggressive caching solutions became overzealous and their demand caused a waterfall that produced 502 and 504 gateway issues for the webservers and API, which in turn caused our app to hang and become nonresponsive or sluggish. The good news again, for those mining there was no significant disruption. In advance of further bottlenecks, we are expanding our technical base on the live operations side and exploring further failovers in our architecture.

If you see numbers that don’t make sense, or things aren’t quite right — first, please close Honeyminer and re-open. This will solve many of the small display issues we are still debugging.

If you have trouble with Windows Defender, we are working to accommodate their latest update. Windows Defender is known to erroneously flag applications. Please be aware that all of our miners are compiled, audited and signed by us in-house. To fix the Windows Defender issue either disable it or create exceptions for Honeyminer. (And don’t be shy to ask for help.)

Thank you again for sticking in here and your continued support — we are excited to serve you here at Honeyminer.

If you had significant outages, or your mining rewards don’t look right, or there’s something else we can be helpful with — please do write us (support@honeyminer.com) and we’ll do our best to make things right. We couldn’t be what we are without you, so we are here at your service.

And you can always follow along for latest updates on Twitter, or in our Telegram Channel.

Onwards -

Team Honeyminer

