1Hive Celebrates Polygon Launch With Airdrop & Farms

Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2021

The 1Hive Bees are doing it again. Following the recent release of farms and new token xCOMB on the xDai network, 1Hive is getting ready to launch on the Polygon blockchain next. Yield farmers this is for you. As before, Tulip Swarm of 1Hive DAO plans to start with an airdrop of the new token, pCOMB, to people who are providing liquidity on Polygon. This reward is a thank you for supporting the DeFi ecosystem. It also incentivizes the bootstrapping of liquidity of Honeyswap on Polygon and helps grow the 1Hive ecosystem. There are two ways to become eligible for the pCOMB airdrop. All you have to do is provide liquidity on Honeyswap or the various Polygon DeFi protocols like Aave, Curve, Quickswap, and Sushiswap. It pays to be early!

First let’s examine eligibility for the various Polygon protocols.

Eligibility Date: April 1st — May 21st

Amount: 25,000 pCOMB tokens to be airdropped

Defi liquidity providers will receive an amount of tokens proportional to the duration and the amount of liquidity provided.

Instructions for claiming: On July 1st, 2,500 tokens will be eligible for claiming at https://1Hive.io/. The remaining 22,500 tokens will be vested proportionally over the next 6 months (July 1st — Nov 1st).

The Honeyswap promotion dates link up exactly with the end of the Polygon promotion. To gain access to the farms investors can use the fabulous Honeyswap wallet dashboard that was recently released. It is a clean and simple interface that also permits a person to gain higher yield for locking in their deposits. See the video for a tutorial on how to use the wallet. Claim at https://1Hive.io/

The Honeyswap dates and eligibility are:

Eligibility Date: May 21st — July 1st

Amount: 25,000 pCOMB tokens to be airdropped

Defi liquidity providers will receive an amount of tokens proportional to the duration and the amount of liquidity provided. All LP’s that are not flagged as scam pairs will be eligible.

Instructions for claiming: On July 1st 2,500 tokens will be eligible for claiming the remaining 22,500 tokens will be available to claim proportionally over the next 6 months (July 1st — Nov 1st). This airdrop will help incentivize the bootstrapping of Honeyswap on Polygon. The third way to earn pCOMB is to continue providing Polygon liquidity on Honeyswap. Claim at https://1Hive.io/

Polygon Honeycomb Airdrop Timeline

1Hive is targeting these users to incentivize diverse liquidity for months after farming goes live.

One important note that applies to all airdrops is the following: Only real legitimate investments are eligible. If you try to game the system you will be disqualified. Ultimately 1Hive has the final say in eligibility.

Soon yield farmers trying to avoid high gas fees will have some great new options on Polygon. 1Hive is a DAO that puts community first and wants to build a future that is more free, fair, open, and humane for everyone.

You can learn more about 1Hive values by taking a look at the community pledge and see what the bees have been buzzing about in their monthly recap.

Join our community and the discussion about new ways of incentivizing trading volume. Honey is money 🐝

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Wiki: https://1Hive.gitbook.io/1Hive/

