How Elvis Presley changed my life
One day I was browsing around youtube and came across one of Elvis’s songs Hound Dog, I have never heard about him before so I decided to watch the video and . . . almost instantly I was hooked. I was in fourth grade at the time and now I'm in tenth grade and I am still in love with him. There is this one quote that I live by that he once sang in a song “you gotta follow that dream wherever that dream may lead” he sang it in the movie Follow that Dream. Watching that movie helped me believe that I can fulfill my dreams no matter what stands in my way. Elvis is a big part of my life and I like to believe that my life is better with him in it. He has taught me many lessons within his music and movies. Elvis was kind and loved his family and fans. He has lived on in my memory for 3 years and will continue living for many more. Long live the king of Rock and Roll.