Call To The Sun

Honor Honziali
Honor’s Roll of Words
1 min readJul 18, 2023

“Me you more” we said.

We had seen a film, and fell in love with the line.

We drew, word for word, in our skin, next to a tree in our park, “me you more”.

It fell so deep from the top of our skin, down into our souls.

We grew, and life took over, but you are the sun to me.

The glow of your rays, hug all in its path.

Even in dark days, both of our dark days, you are my sun.

One day my sun did not come up.

“Me you more” was met with not a word.

It has been a year, and I miss your real form.

But now, if I say “me you more” once at 5:15 am, you come to me.

I see you.

I know you are here.

I know you hear me.

You are my sun, and I will call for you.



Honor Honziali
Honor’s Roll of Words

Fashion Designer who usually has a fro. I write about books, tv, experiences in my life, and I write stories. I talk a lot so you can imagine I have lots to say