Becoming a Hoodoo-er: What It’s Like to be a New Hire at Hoodoo

Kimberly Melton
Hoodoo Digital
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2021

Whenever you start a new job, there are always things that stand out in the first week — like the atmosphere, the culture, and whether or not your on-boarding experience is seamless and effective. Starting at Hoodoo Digital is no exception, but the things that stand out here are pretty unique.

As a remote-first company operating in the martech realm, the culture, atmosphere, and onboarding experience at Hoodoo are very different from what you are likely to encounter at a more traditional, in-office company. Technology will play a far more integral role in your first day, and typical questions like, “What do I wear on my first day?” evolve to questions like, “Should I wear pants on my first day?” (The answer is yes…we always recommend wearing pants to any work-related activities, and especially on your first day.)

Starting at Hoodoo is unique, and the things that stand out may surprise you. Read on to find out what else sets us apart with our new hires:

The Gear: It’s pretty exciting to have a swath of electronics delivered to your doorstep, and it’s even more exciting when you weren’t the one who had to pay for them. Part of working for Hoodoo is being outfitted with everything you need to do your job from anywhere in the world. All the electronics you need to work from your home office will be delivered directly to you, along with a Hoodoo welcome kit. Hoodoo will supply you with your choice of a MacBook laptop or Microsoft Surface, and $1,000 to outfit your ideal at-home workstation. You can use this money to buy whatever you need for your home office, from a high-def monitor to an office chair. The welcome kit contains everything you’ll need to carry your portable hardware with you on the road, including things like a Hoodoo-branded hoodie, a Timbuk2 backpack, or an insulated tumbler — just to name a few.

Finally, Go Paperless: You know how when you first start a job, you have to sign mountains of paperwork, and then you bury the hard copies in a file cabinet for some unforeseeable day in the future when you might need them? Yeah, that doesn’t have to be a thing. When you start at Hoodoo, you’ll navigate all the first-day paperwork digitally. This means you’ll be signing documents from your trackpad with your finger and pressing send. The documents are stored in an easy-to-access online portal. It’s easier, faster, you don’t have to store the hard copies anywhere, and the trees are super happy about it. Paperless is the way to go.

The Trust: One of the things that stands out at Hoodoo, a remote-first company, is that our management trusts our employees. They trust us to be at work when we should be, they trust us to get our jobs done, and they trust us not to take advantage of the remote system they have in place. Hoodoo’s policies around remote-first work signal to employees that Hoodoo leadership trusts them to be responsible adults who can get their jobs done, no matter where they are working. For many people coming from more traditional, in-office corporations or companies that are resistant to remote work, this perspective feels refreshingly respectful and acknowledges our ability to work autonomously.

The Slack Channels: The concept that “you are a product of your environment” takes on an entirely new meaning when everyone’s environment is their own home. To get around this, Hoodoo has to approach building our corporate culture with intentionality. We incorporate tools that encourage collaboration and allow employees to connect digitally. One of the primary ways we do this is through a variety of interest-based Slack channels that cover topics like pets, cooking, or sports. These channels allow employees from every facet of the company to interact with each other on a personal level, cultivating relationships that may otherwise be distant if their two roles don’t have cross-functional collaboration.

Expect Innovation: Part of working in the technology industry means that you’re constantly dealing with innovation. Whether it’s new innovations coming out of Adobe or finding innovative new ways to integrate Adobe systems, the culture at Hoodoo is based on constant integration and evolution of technology. This means that things change, and they change quickly — innovation is part of the package.

Are you looking for an organization that takes a forward-thinking approach to employee onboarding, work-life balance, and culture-building?

We do. We’re Hoodoo.

Check out our job openings today.

Originally published at on August 31, 2021.

