Tyler Maynard is the 2020 AEM Rock Star!

Bailey Alder
Hoodoo Digital
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2020

If you, like us, have been eagerly awaiting to see this year’s prestigious AEM Rock Star winner, wait no longer! We are excited to proudly announce that Hoodoo’s very own Tyler Maynard has obtained this extraordinary achievement. Due to current events, this year’s Adobe Summit has been adjusted to become a virtual experience, though we could not celebrate his victory on the Adobe Summit stage in person, it didn’t stop us from raising our glasses and shouting excitedly at our computers from home when the results came in.

Now, if you’re unfamiliar with what the Adobe Experience Manager Rock Star award is, think Hall of Fame for the technology industry. The best and brightest minds around the globe compete by showcasing modern solutions-including innovative practices around AEM and how it can be used in the broader Adobe Experience Cloud ecosystem.

As Chief Solutions Architect for Hoodoo and Pluralsight Course Author, Tyler has been a leader in the AEM community. He leverages his expertise at Hoodoo Digital by teaching best practices for numerous Adobe applications and matching clients with the best fit possible to deliver unbeatable service. To find such a genuine and versatile authority within the AEM community is always a win, to work with one daily, even better!

If you didn’t get the chance to watch his presentation, fear not, we have got you covered. Check out our Design Systems that Scale page. As Hoodoo Digital has always been a space for delivering unique digital concepts, and at the forefront of technical discovery, it was pertinent to share what we’ve found. Namely, a new way to improve Design Systems from Creative Cloud to AEM Components.

When three versions of the design system live in three separate products, the system becomes impossible to maintain, We’ve seen it time after time, and eventually, the vision of a uniform brand is lost. Our solution to combat this is Atomic design for building brands that scale. By creating experiences and UI elements from a single source of truth that then ripple down to all digital platforms, we enable continuity across digital platforms that swiftly adapt for customers.

Connect with us if you are interested in cutting duplication efforts, learning more about Atomic Design systems, or are looking to solve cross-brand scalability hurdles. We’d love to get in touch.

Do you have an AEM Rock Star on staff innovating new tools for the AEM community?

We do. We’re Hoodoo.

Originally published at https://hoodoo.digital.

