What DevOps Can Do For Adobe Experience Manager

Peter Nash
Hoodoo Digital
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2022

Simply stated, the role of DevOps is to bridge the gap between operations and development. For Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), DevOps can have a broader role. DevOps helps maintain a high standard of performance by working with and educating the development team to better understand the underlying technologies and hosting solutions of AEM and walking the operations team through changes that need to be made to facilitate code deployments. DevOps also works alongside the development and QA teams to ensure a high uptime for the variety of hosting options.

AEM is a robust and sometimes complex content management system that needs specialized attention to ensure that it is running smoothly and effectively. It requires a high level of experience and understanding of systems to ensure everything works as intended. Here is what a DevOps engineer should be able to take care of on an AEM project:

  • Response to events (outages, DDOS, natural traffic spikes, etc)
  • Performing content syncs between environments
  • Set up, maintain, and monitor servers (including lower lane setup, maintenance, and security)
  • Review of log files — they can tell the difference between useless noise and something of great concern
  • Assistance with caching layers (setup, cache invalidation, CDN, etc)
  • Know-how to communicate with Adobe Customer Success Engineer’s for Adobe Managed Services or AEM as a Cloud Service environments
  • Apply Adobe Service Packs and Hotfixes — This is specific for non-production lanes and those that are not on AMS or AEMaaCS

These are critical tasks that help ensure that an AEM environment and website remain healthy and at the desired levels of uptime. If you need DevOps assistance with AEM, then reach out to us. We have certified Experts and Masters in AEM and hold Adobe’s specialization in AEM Run & Operate.

Originally published at https://www.hoodoo.digital on October 18, 2022.

