Explained : Hero, Hub & Hygiene content strategy with examples

Source : http://www.partout.nl/blog/het-jaar-rond-met-het-contentmarketing-model-hero-hub-hygiene/

With the multitude of options available for a marketer today to reach the target audience, brands are increasingly realizing the importance of doing the same more consistently. The “out of sight, out of mind” principle applies more than ever in today’s day and age. Consumers are bombarded with brand messages as brands fight it out to occupy a unique space. With decreasing attention span , increasing clutter and fragile memories, gone are the days when one “viral” video could do the trick. Today, brands need a steady stream of engaging content and an “always on” marketing approach to become the first choice during a consumer’s decision making moment.

With the above context, allow me to introduce you to the new age content strategy as explained by Youtube’s Hero, Hub & Hygiene framework and why it makes sense as a theoretical approach to kick-start not just your Youtube strategy but also your overall content strategy.

Sometime in 2014, in the midst of a social video revolution, Youtube came up with this framework for brands keen to adopt video content as a strategy. We were witnessing a stream of videos by brands ,making desperate attempts at trying to stand out to earn that one share, half a like as “viral” marketing became a much abused word.

Obviously, it made sense for Youtube and Google to sell brands a belief that the more video content you produce at regular intervals, the more you gain out of it.

If we were to rule out that little ulterior motive, Youtube did make sense in teaching brands the right approach to their Youtube presence and showed a framework that shouldn’t be confined to just video content but to any content strategy.

What is Hero, Hub & Hygiene framework?

Please go through the below self explanatory image definition on the Hero, Hub & Hygiene framework.

Hero Hub Hygiene strategy

Image Source

Basically, HHH strategy tries to meet 3 basic brand objectives

  1. Strive to increase reach and brand awareness — HERO
  2. Reinforce your consistent brand message for community building & conversations — HUB
  3. Be present where your consumers are looking for content that you can provide — HYGIENE

The basic premise is that your marketing strategy video or otherwise should produce three types of content :

  1. Hero — big ticket, impact driven, mass targeted campaigns that focuses on a larger audience and gets newer audiences to know about your brand
  2. Hub — low budget but regular campaigns that serve as reminders to your audience on what you stand for. Could be blogs, collaborations, partnerships, newsjacking topical content marketing and more.
  3. Hygiene/Help — be present when consumers are looking for answers to questions directly or indirectly related to the industry you are in. It is about you as a brand trying to educate consumers and thus coming across as thought leaders. These can be in the form tips and tricks or how-to’s or tutorials or just a self help article.

The above was a more textbook version as defined by blogs and Youtube. The Hero, Hub, Hygiene strategy could be better explained by taking few examples of brands that are practicing the same intentionally or unintentionally.


OnePlus 3 launch campaigns can be categorized into Hero, Hub & Hygiene in the below ways.

Hero | OnePlus 3 | Launch & Introduction

The introduction video was aimed at a larger audience with the objective of launching the product. This is a standard hero campaign for most smartphones one that is expected to reach to masses, be shared on facebook and talked about.

Hub | OnePlus 3 | Pop-up events & Comparisons

OnePlus conducts multiple events at key cities. Everyone is invited at these events. These are the only offline ways of purchasing OnePlus for a limited time. These events are recorded regularly and published on their Youtube channel.

OnePlus 3 pop up event

Along with the regular pop-up events. OnePlus also comes up with regular comparison content like below ones to further strengthen their core hero proposition.

Hygiene | OnePlus 3 | Unboxing & How-tos

OnePlus 3 was launched on June 14, 2016. And the very next day as per Youtube trends, the search term “oneplus 3 unboxing” reached its absolute peak popularity. Now, it only becomes a hygiene factor as a marketer to cater to this existing need which will aid in decision making.

oneplus 3 unboxing

Unboxing is only one such example of hygiene content. There are a million other things that people look for before and after they have bought the phone. This becomes excellent pull content for marketers and an opportunity to directly connect with the consumers in the real world.

Also read : OnePlus invite based marketing strategy

For example : various “How to” questions that arise after you have bought the phone

Let’s talk about another example.


After a recent massive PR exercise to resurrect its image, Nestle recently launched various line extensions to its really popular brand, Maggi. These new line of products were called Hot Heads. Let’s look at the Hero, Hub and Hygiene campaigns for Maggi and Hot Heads.

Hero | Maggi Hotheads

This was a series of ads aimed at reaching out to masses. The objective was to introduce the flavors and showcase the USP of the product. Occupy the “hot and spicy” space.

Hub | Maggi Hotheads

While the Hero campaign above was meant for masses, Hub as per theoretical definition was a regular content aimed at their prime prospect. A target audience in the age group of 16–25 who will drive the initial consumption and become early adopters to drive word of mouth.

For the same purpose, for their Hub campaigns, Maggi used internet influencers to drive home the product USP.

Hygiene | Maggi Hotheads

I was surprised that I couldn’t find any Hygiene content that Maggi is currently publishing on the internet.

Possible Hygiene content for Maggi could have been a series of youtube videos or blogs that talk about various ways in which one could possible use Maggi noodles.

A simple search on Youtube trends will tell you that it is an existing need being unmet and would make for excellent hygiene content, completely pull.

maggi ad

Let’s take another example in the consumer goods category,

Asian Paints

Asian Paints, an unexpected brand that is applying the Hero, Hub and Hygiene rather efficiently. Its hub and hygiene content has not managed to get enough views because it was content created for television viewers and showcased on lifestyle channels like NDTV Good Times and with other brand partnerships fitting the definition of Hub campaigns perfectly.

Hero | Asian Paints | Call the expert & #MakeRoomForNeu

Asian Paints Royale Play 2016 ad featuring Deepika Padukone is one if its mass targeted Hero campaigns.

Another Hero campaign that is on for Asian Paints is its “Colour Expert” campaign where a young couple is seen understanding colours by giving a Missed Call to an Asian Paints colour expert.

Hub | Asian Paints | The Great Indian Home Makeover

Asian Paints has done multiple tie-ups with various lifestyle channels that have shows based on home makeovers where Asian Paints becomes a key sponsor. These and many more make its Hub campaigns.

Hygiene | Asian Paints | How tos & Home Decor Ideas

As explained above, Hygiene campaigns are ones that are closest to your consumers needs and wants. If brands nail this properly and cater to their needs at the right time, they will not only become thought leaders but also occupy a lasting place compared to push campaigns.

What do we know? What have we learnt?

Hero, Hub and Hygiene is a strategy that is here to stay. Not just for your video content but for all content marketing efforts of the brand. Content in this strategy can also take the form of a microsite, a blog post, a video or simply the content you post on various social media channels.

To follow more brands that are intentionally or otherwise following this framework, you can look at,

  1. Volvo
  2. Redbull
  3. Gillette
  4. HDFC Mutual Funds

