A Writer’s Treasure Trove

Getting and retaining knowledge

Saeed Khan
Hooked on Books
3 min readFeb 1, 2024


Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Gathering information through different sources like books, articles, blogs, and videos is an essential part of a writer’s journey.

“Reading is like breathing in, and writing is like breathing out.”— Pam Allyn

Behind every article/story there is a comprehensive study and extensive research.

In order to write an engaging piece, you need a lot of study and research. In order to develop excellent writing skills, you need strong groundwork and reading skills.

Since high school, I’ve had a big problem with knowledge retention and application. Retaining what I learned was a big challenge for me.

I applied different techniques to cope with the issue, but nothing worked.

Once, I discussed the matter with one of my college friends, Yasir, who used to be the topper of our class.

He acquainted me with a technique he used to follow for years, and he was very satisfied with the results. I followed the same process and cured my poor memory in a few months’ time.

Now, allow me to share the secret formula with you, and I hope you will find it very effective.

  1. Take a highlighter whenever you read a book, novel, story, blog or article, and highlight every unique word, phrase or sentence which interests you.
  2. Maintain a journal, and divide it into three sections. Allot a section for words, one for phrases, and one for long sentences. Jot down all the data you highlighted, separately in each section.
  3. On the next day, before going ahead with your usual studies, revise the notes you prepared the previous day. Once you’re done with revision, start reading, and follow the same procedure again.
  4. Go on with the same plan of action for five days a week (Monday through Friday). Take Saturday off and do something that refreshes you. You can spend time with friends, travel, go hiking, play outdoor games, watch a movie, or do any other activity except reading and writing.
  5. Designate Sunday for the revision of the data you gathered over the past week.
  6. Persist with the same routine for the whole month. Assign the last two days of the month for revision, and reread all the data you would gather during the entire month.
  7. Stick to the same procedure for at least four months, and you’ll be amazed to see the results. Give it a try, and you’ll become an expert in a few months.
  8. Evaluate yourself and distinguish between your younger self and the one you’ve become after applying the above-mentioned approach.

Wrapping up:

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” — Richard Steele

A writer always finds happiness in reading, finding facts, and presenting those facts in the form of written stories, books, or novels. Encouragement boosts his/her energy level many folds.

Encouragement turns a writer from average to excellent. Writing promotes his/her thought-building and creativity. It improves productivity and develops a writer’s personality.

A good reader ultimately becomes a great writer. Developing good reading skills is imperative for an author. By reading the work of other writers, you acquire a wide range of writing styles.

The writer who reads a lot has an edge over those who don’t read much. Reading and writing both help you develop good memory and analytical skills.

Reading and writing help you develop a sense of empathy, which helps you understand the feelings of the audience. When you write with empathy, it resonates well with the readers.

“For a man to write well, there are three necessaries: to read the best authors, observe the best speakers, and much exercise of his own style.”— Ben Jonson

Thank you for reading! If you think it was helpful in any way, please clap a hundred times. If you’ve a question, a suggestion, or something else you want to say, write it in the comment section. I would love to know. Clicking the follow button would give me a huge amount of encouragement.



Saeed Khan
Hooked on Books

My name is Saeed Khan, and I'm an educator cum writer. I enjoy reading books, articles, blogs and stories. To become a great writer is my dream