I’m Gong Back to Reading What I WANT

Hooked on Books
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3 min read2 days ago
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

This summer, I dug out every miscellaneous book off my shelves that I thought seemed related to summer to try and get myself into the “Spirit”, and I had a goal to read them all, especially before classes start and I get too busy to read once again.

Me and my folks are something of book collectors; we just love them! Of course, that means there’s tons of them that I haven’t read, and plenty that have just… spawned in that I hadn’t even seen before.

I love reading so much. I’ll read almost any book I find, actually. I love literature and fiction the best though.

But it turns out, not every book is great.

I read through the entirety of one of these “Summer Books” and it took me a boring and forceful month to do it. It was Dolphin Song, the second book in a series apparently. It was a… decent read, but I had absolutely no motivation to read it.

After that, I started some 50’s book called Gone Away Lake. It was… bland. The writing was dried up and immensely slow to read. I dropped it at two chapters.

I had high hopes though for the book Island of the Blue Dolphins because normally books with Newberry medals are really really good.

And it wasn’t that this book was bad? It just… didn’t strike a cord. It didn’t hook me, and I think maybe I’ll finish it some other time, but there was just something about it that felt poorly done I guess. I’m sure the story was riveting, but the way it was written made it seem inconsequential.

That’s when I finally shook my head and decided, no more!

After almost having doubts that… maybe I don’t Like reading anymore? Maybe I grew out of it??? Maybe I accidentally rotted my brain!!! I just picked up the book I actually had been desperately looking for at one point, but hadn’t gotten around to reading.

It was the second book of the Wings Of Fire series. Let me tell you, that the first one owned all of my attention a few months ago. These books are written JUST RIGHT, to keep you reading on and on and on.

I had looked for so long for the second book secondhand because I’m cheap, but eventually finally threw up the eight whole dollars for it new because I was so desperate. It’s just been sitting in my waiting pile between college classes and their immense work, but now? I finally grabbed it and decided- I am reading what I want.

And guess what? I absolutely do still love reading.

I’ve flown through a hundred pages this week despite still being busy with life. And I’d have flown through the whole thing if I didn’t hold myself back, honestly.

Reading what I actually have interest in, rather than what I feel like I should be reading or I am obligated to based on circumstances unknown to mankind, I finally just picked up what I’ve wanted to read.

This goes for any trend, I think. Don’t do something just because you think it’s supposed to be like that, especially if you don’t enjoy it.

I’m reading what I want to read now, and I’m so much happier doing that.

(You know what’s exciting about all of this? The second Wings of Fire book has ocean and summer themes anyway, so I’m still good to go!)

