Unlocking the Mind's True Door: The Power of Reading

Nisar Ahmed
Hooked on Books
Published in
1 min readJul 12, 2023

As we sit and watch the screen,
Our brain perceives, but not as keen,
As when we read a book, page by page,
Creating an imagery, like a stage.

Our brain works hard, when we read,
Creating worlds, where stories are bred,
Mapping out scenes, and characters too,
Using processing power, through and through.

For as we read, our brain perceives,
The words, the tone, and all it weaves,
Creating images, that come alive,
Like a movie playing, before our eyes.

And though it may take more effort,
To read a book, than to watch and forget,
It's this effort, that holds the key,
To unlocking the brain's true majesty.

For daily reading, can train the mind,
To process more, and leave behind,
The habits of the mundane life,
And embrace a world, of endless sight.

So let us read, and read some more,
And open up, the mind's true door,
For in the pages, of books we'll find,
A world of wonder, and peace of mind.

Happy reading, my dear friend,
May it bring you, to a wondrous end,
And may you find, in every page,
A new adventure, and a brighter stage.

