Start with why — Simon Sinek

EKS Project
Hooked on the book
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2021

This is the first review of Hooked on the book. This time I will be commenting on the book “Start with why” by Simon Sinek.

January’s read “Start with why” by Simon Sinek

My intention is to do a monthly review on a book I have read the previous month. In this case January’s read was “Start with why” a good title to begin this project and this uncertain year 2021.

The author:

Simon Sinek is a writer on the motivational and coaching field. He has also published “Find your why”, “Leaders eat last” and “Together is better”.

He teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. Here you can see his TED talk

The book:

Main ideas:

Why — how- what

This is the main idea of the book. Start by asking yourself why you do what you do. This is the most important question of all. To have a clear purpose, a clear mission, a clear goal or however you want to call it. But it must be clear. It will be your direction to follow.

How will define the vision that you want to reach. The intermediate steps you will follow to achieve the bigger aim. All the decision you will take to transform your current situation into the ideal situation you want to achieve.

What will define the values. You actions in the everyday live. Every little step towards your mission. Whatever you do to get closer to your goal. This must align with why and how you do what you do.

  • The importance of the order

These three questions must be asked in this order why — how — what. This is de correct order to answer them in order to obtain useful answers. Ask these questions one by one. Do not rush into answering them. One will lead into the other but time and self knowledge are needed.

  • The golden circle

From the previous two points it comes a concept of GOLDEN CIRCLE. This is how Sinek calls to the process of answering these key questions in order and with their respective hierarchy. This can be called a process of self-awareness. Untangling our inner thoughts, deciphering our emotions and aligning our ego and our mind.

Sinek “Golden Circle” concept
  • Clarity — Discipline — Coherence

Sinek says that why must be CLEAR. To have a clear why does no mean it cannot be changed. It must be reviewed periodically but when changes are done everything must move towards that direction.

The how must be full of DISCIPLINE to not give up on our why. Discipline in the how means that simply getting tired or not trusting the process are not valid options. It does not mean to be forced to do something

*I think here Sinek forgets to talk about the enjoyment and how much of a role it plays to be doing something you enjoy.*

What must be COHERENT with both why and how. Coherent does not mean there cannot be contradictions. Contradictions are in everyday life. However at the end of the day you should be a step closer in the direction of your why.

  • Business oriented:

As Sinek coaches organizations this book is full of terms related to the business world and the examples concerning small, medium and big businesses. If that is something you are looking for then it is your book. For me it has hard sometimes to just apply the concept to the individual itself or in this case myself. It is not an ordinary self-help book it that is what you are expecting.

  • Corporative examples

The book is full of examples concerning Apple, Soutwest Airlines, the Wright brothers among others. My opinion is that he could be more original when setting up the examples. On the other hand, the examples are very self explanatory and clear.

2. Secondary ideas:

These are just hidden but very interesting things that have resonated with me while reading it. I think he could avoid some repetition on the main ideas and highlight more on different concepts such as the ones I refer here.

  • To fit somewhere

This concept shocked me when reading it. Could it be that someone will feel better just by being in a place where the culture and ideas are the same as the ones he/she has ? That is what Sinek suggests. I think is totally true. This makes totally sense when analysing people life choices. You will end up living in the place that better suits yourself and best aligns with your beliefs and psychological needs.

Not everybody can enjoy NY even if they call it “The best city in the world”

  • Common goal

When talking about this Sinek refers to companies, but it can applied to teams, organizations, families or any type of group. The people in it will work harder and better if they share a common objective that will impact positively all of them.

For instance giving to all the employees from top to bottom, a 65$ bonus if all the flights of the airline are landed on time for a month


  • Basic ideas
  • Easy language
  • Repetition
  • Interesting ideas
  • Clear examples
  • Reflect on it


  • Too basic
  • Repetitive
  • Beat about the bush
  • Hidden interesting ideas

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EKS Project
Hooked on the book

EKS project is about a young woman hyped about life. Looking for a purpose. Data Scientist & Biomedical Engineer working my way up.