Introducing Hooked Alumni System: A Proof-of-Contribution Credit System for Web3 Education and Adoption

Hooked Protocol
6 min readMay 12, 2023


  • Hooked Alumni System is an on-chain proof-of-contribution credit system, for learners to certify and earn with every milestone of their Web3 education journey.
  • Hooked Alumni System and Scholarship Program are designed to drive massive adoption by ensuring learning outcomes and inspiring learning goals
  • The Alumni system consists of 2 major elements: SBT based on-chain proof of Web3 learning (Alumni Pass); NFT based on-chain achievements (Medals).
  • Alumni Pass performs not only in the Hooked applications, but also networks among ecosystem partners with its basic essence of proof-of-contribution mechanism.
  • Hooked Scholarship Program underpins Alumni System with sponsorships by both Hooked and ecosystem partners with native HOOK token and ecosystem partner tokens incentives.

What is Hooked Alumni System?

Hooked Alumni System is an on-chain proof-of-contribution credit system, for learners to certify and earn with every milestone of their Web3 education journey.

In light of unfolding the next chapter of Hooked focusing on onboarding billions of people into Web3 through entertaining education experience, we feel it essential and ready now to introduce the Hooked Alumni System, along with Hooked Scholarship Program, both implanted and encompassed for boosting the Web3 education and adoption.

What’s it for?

The Alumni system is dedicated to providing equal access and easy path for every keen learner, to not only embark on, but also be properly guided and adequately motivated to complete the whole process of qualified & fun Web3 education, ultimately driving massive adoption by bringing these highly-trained and well-educated new forces into Web3 world.

Hooked Alumni System and Hooked Scholarship Program are closely aligned and combined for explicitly leading the right course we are setting for learners to explore the voyage of graduating to be a Web3 master.

With the latest launch of Hooked Academy Sensei, Hooked currently has 3 different products and more to come with each focusing on providing unique learning distinctiveness for Web3 learners of all levels.

The on-chain proofs of all Hooked offerings, including the products above and more to come in the future as well as in the Hooked ecosystem, will be authenticated and consolidated in the Hooked Alumni System.

How does it work?

Hooked Alumni System as the credit system of on-chain proof itself, also serves as an intuitive learning path, enabling learning through exploration, guaranteeing education outcomes via scholarship incentives.

It meticulously designs grade-based quests with scholarship rewards into Hooked edutainment scope, to inspire and guide learners throughout the whole Web3 education journey, all the way to graduation to be an admirable Web3 master.

The system consists of 2 major elements:

SBT based validations of Web3 learning (Alumni Pass);

NFT based on-chain achievements and honors (Medal).

To constantly inspire learners, Alumni Pass is available for learners to mint immediately after they enter the Hooked academy campus; Medals are obtained once quests are completed along the learning journey.

Alumni Pass will serve as a fundamental SBT for all learners to start their learning journey with immutable and identifiable on-chain proof of achievements, explorations and reputations validated, represented and held.

Medals will function as achievement awards of on-chain milestones and honors in the form of NFTs, which earners are able to mint with quests and missions completed.

To name a few examples:

Early Bird Medal:

For early contributors of Hooked academy products and Hooked ecosystem partnerships. (e.g. Hooked Avatar NFT holders and Hooked Party Pass NFT holders will receive these Medals when they enroll into Hooked Alumni System)

Committed Learner Medal:

For constant participation and engagements in Hooked education programs and products. (e.g. Participators who attend ToDaMoon quiz competition for certain amount of times will receive these Medals when they enroll into Hooked Alumni System)

Talented Explorer Medal:

For inspirational community members who explore themed, limited or defined experiences of Hooked.

Aggressive Conqueror Medal:

For learners who swiftly acquire Web3 knowledge and conquer all quests in Hooked academy learning journey.

Honored Alumni Medal:

For learners who graduated with all qualifications achieved and successfully onboard Web3.

Web3 Master Medal:

For graduates who try their talents out by first completing Hooked ecosystem quests.

Ecosystem Contributor Medal:

For Web3 masters who continuously make contributions to quests by partners in the ecosystem and hence build the Hooked ecosystem.


There are more passes and Medals to come yet when Hooked academy is offering more diverse experiences and Hooked ecosystem continues to grow.

Then again, if doings that undermine the Hooked ecosystem are detected, the honor of Hooked Alumni, rewards as well as the credits accumulated will be revoked to protect the benefits for the whole community.

How does the Alumni System facilitate and accelerate the formation of the Hooked ecosystem?

Hooked Alumni System and Scholarship Program, are closing the loop of how Hooked is educating, onboarding new forces to our ecosystem and hence providing constant and instant adoption to the industry.

Though Hooked Alumni System is designed to incentivize learners and innovate Web3 learning mode and experience in the first place, it meanwhile completes the dilemma that Web3 learners are never fully onboarded to be Web3 masters with their knowledge unproven and untested, and Web3 builders are always anxious in despair of not knowing how and where to grow and thrive their communities with fresh forces.

Alumni Pass doesn’t terminate its mission even if one graduates from learning courses.

It sustains in the Hooked ecosystem, connects communities and business, and further empowers networks between ecosystems, with its basic essence of proof-of-contribution mechanism.

Ecosystems allocate resources according to validations based on Alumni Passes while Web3 explorers are eligible and accessible to more deserved opportunities with solid achievement proofs.

Mutually binded with Hooked Scholarship Program, which allows Hooked learners to realise economic value of their acquired Web3 knowledge through HOOK token incentives, Hooked Alumni System in the long run guarantees the sustainability of Hooked education mission, and hence continuously brings massive adoption to the Web3 industry.

How does Hooked Scholarship Program underpin Hooked Alumni System?

Scholarships are granted with learning proof of Alumni Pass and Medals as qualification criteria.

Alumni pass and Medals are not only proof of honors and achievements along your Web3 journey, but also function as the basic entry tickets and qualified criteria for diverse Scholarship Programs in the Hooked edutainment ecosystem.

Scholarships are funded and sponsored by both Hooked and ecosystem partners in terms of different orientations.

If the Alumni system is what sets the right course for your voyage in Web3 learning journey, Scholarship Programs are what enable you to take the helm and never steer your way off the course, with a considerable amount of HOOK token rewards in each and every destination.

To get a share of the scholarship rewards of HOOK, one needs to gain and receive certain passes and Medals after completing corresponding quests.

  1. Major scholarships are consistently awarded to major Web3 education path complement: for example, Enrollment scholarship, Progression scholarship and Graduation scholarship
  2. Segmented and diverse scholarships will be awarded immediately to motivate learner of achieving certain small milestones and learning tasks

Both are scholarships sponsored by Hooked to always inspire Web3 learning.

  1. Limited offer of scholarships will also distributed to dedicated learning quests in various sectors of the industry
  2. Contributed scholarships will in advance be allocated to graduates and they can claim as long as they complete the tasks in the ecosystem after they graduate.

These are scholarships mainly sponsored by Hooked ecosystem partners and builders to capture and boost the value of Hooked ecosystem and communities.

When can we expect Hooked Alumni System?

As we are unlocking more educational experiences, infra instruments, ecosystem orientations and diversities, Hooked Alumni System is under intense building and development for its official launch.

Hold your breath for Hooked Alumni System and get ready to be one of the early birds in early Q3, 2023.

As always, please follow our Twitter and Discord channel for updated news!



Hooked Protocol

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