


Joshua Keith Hooker
Published in
1 min readMay 1, 2017


Here is a short film idea I put together for a friend of mine. Any thoughtful reccomendations are welcome. Check me out a vignetteprod.com for collaboration.

Scene opens ES — Back yard and MS cleaning grill

Introduce characters — MS — Pulling up brice

MS — Shea Getting charcoal

MS — Spencer Loading beer

Small talk about the Misses being gone.

“its our day boys!”

Cheers of beer cans!

America Mondays!

Shea — Where didja get these beers anyways?

Brice — The gas station next to the miller lite.

Shea — I mean where they from?

Brice — Dunno.. looks good and has a cool label so it has to taste good and get ya right!

Spencer — Taste like tree bark…

Long pause… Definately aint got none on bud light..



Joshua Keith Hooker
Hooker Portfolio

Writings on observations and research concerning all that is New Media.