Fortunate for Funding!

A venture into website publishing.

Joshua Keith Hooker
Hooker Portfolio
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2017


Launching a career in any field nowadays requires a website. The only thing I could think of that would prove this false would be something illegal, which even that stuff makes it online.

The way I look at it.

To the bread and butter!

Ready-made —

  1. Less creative freedom.
  2. Easier publishing and manufactoring.
  3. Great application integration.
  4. Tons of free stock photos, templates, and features.

Self-Hosting Solution

  1. More flexibility and freedom.
  2. More time consuming.
  3. Better for the code minded.
  4. Not dependant on any entity.

I choose…

Website Ready-Made

Due to my lack of coding skills and literacy in the language of the Web, I decided to go with ready-made website template machine —

With Wix, I found easy application integration, and simple photo, video uploads. All things such as color, font, and shape are easily manipulated and flexible. The site offers different forms as well — portfolio, blog, restaurant, etc. According to Charles Jackson, with,

Many user-friendly, free and open-source content-management systems are available to assist with Web design, so it is even possible to build a basic small business website without a professional Web designer.

Domain Host

Much like deliberating which ice cream to purchase, I did the same with hosting services. After very little deliberation, I chose Namecheap, simply because it was extremely fast and effective, and according to Gerald Lucas, in Establishing your Professional Presence, “they provide excellent, easy, and fast DNS control.”

I also decided to listen to peers that had been “down that road before,” and they said Namecheap was great, so, yes, word of mouth is still a viable resource.

Before choosing a my top-level domain name I searched the internet by performing a WHOIS search to find all names associated, or simlar to my chosen one, and I only found one other closely related — which is good!

A less saturated market is good said a wise man.


Luckily, I have the influx of cash to afford myself the privelege of experimenting with new life ventures. So, I made sure my bank account had enough to cover the fees and… for less than $10 I was able to purchase my domain.

My professional Web management plan is less than $10 a month as well. All in all, not too much of an investment to be able to freely advertise, shop, share, and detail products and services.



Joshua Keith Hooker
Hooker Portfolio

Writings on observations and research concerning all that is New Media.