Speaking Strategically

Joshua Keith Hooker
Hooker Portfolio
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2017


A Social Media Strategy

It can be difficult to find information about a person, place, or thing that isn’t on social media, as well as a thing in RL. I’d like to think that I am just as easily accessible as my fellow like-minded participants, but I can not be too sure of that.

To solve this issue, I have began to create an online persona in order to facilitate further communication and to foster proper growth in my desired field.

The Works and all the Fixings

These helpful tools are, what I like to call, the Works and Fixings for navigating the social media marketing atmostphere. The first thing to do is to find some help from a social media expert. Kevan Lee’s “How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy From Scratch,” is a great help.

Here is what Lee outlines in summary:

Coming up with a social media marketing plan is a great step toward diving in to social. If social media looks thrilling and overwhelming all at once, start with a plan. Once you see the blueprint in front of you, it’s a little easier to see what lies ahead.

  1. Pick your networks
  2. Fill out your info
  3. Find your voice
  4. Choose your strategy
  5. Analyze and test
  6. Automate and engage

What I Have Done

I have created, maintained, and updated a LinkedIn account because it allows me to facilitate interaction with a large group of professionals. I have a personal About.me which is basically a digital business card.

I have a professional Twitter in action to communicate with the fast paced world of 140 character communication, and to follow trends.

I am spending roughly 2 hours a day writing and participating online with my social media accounts. My Youtube page has become monetized so that my video productions can be a source of cash-flow.

All of platforms are circulating in order to gain attention for my domain — Vignetteprod.com.


All this is done. Then procede to dive into time management. Susanne Madsen’s, “7 Essential Time Management Strategies,” outlines 7 things one can do today to better organize his or her time. Madsen’s fourth strategy is one that applies to myself the most:

4. Minimize interruptions.

The more uninterrupted time you get during the day to work on important tasks, the more effective you’ll be. Identify the activities that tend to disrupt your work, and find a solution. For example, avoid checking emails and answering the phone when you’re in the middle of something important. Once you have broken your flow, it can be difficult to reestablish it. Instead, discipline yourself to work on a task single-mindedly until it’s complete.

Shared Thought

Shared thought is what makes us able to more things than ever before. I can connect with more people, ideas, see places, all more than ever before. Use the internet to find helpful resources. Nick Leffler states, in “What Sharing Ideas At Work Does for Us,” that “when [we] collaborate and share, everyone is improving at the same time which then allows us all to reach higher levels of expertise even faster.”

With that being said, don’t be stagnant. Watch as the social media tide changes over time and try to do the same. That is what I am doing now.



Joshua Keith Hooker
Hooker Portfolio

Writings on observations and research concerning all that is New Media.