Hookpad 101: how to Hookpad?

Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2019

What is Hookpad? Hookpad is a plug & play platform that allows dapp developers to pull ready to process data from a blockchain.

Who is Hookpad for? Hookpad is great for any dev who needs to bootstrap a project or idea, hackathons, large projects (dapp or dappn’t), and basically anything that needs to pull a large amount of data of a blockchain in real time.

Now, how do I Hookpad?

Getting started on Hookpad is a simple and straightforward process that can be narrowed down to just 4 steps.

1. Create an account at https://hookpad.io/, once done you’ll need to create a project:

The project name is tied to a network that can’t be changed and it’s name is unique per user (For example, CryptoWars-mainnet).

2. To your brand new project you’ll have to add a contract:

The contract name is unique. You’ll need to provide a valid ETH address and an ABI. You can add all the contracts you want on this screen but those can’t be modified once created. If you want to do so you’ll need to delete and create it again.

3. Then add a webhook:

This is an optional step which you can setup or change at any time. To validate a webhook you need a ‘STATUS: 200’ reply when a ‘POST’ message is received.

We strongly recommend running a quick test using Glitch with a test repository we setup just for that.

  1. Remix the test repository (https://glitch.com/edit/#!/hp-webhook-example?path=server.js).
  2. Go to Tools and open the Logs, you should see a ‘Your app is listening on port 3000…’ message.
  3. Go to Show and click on ‘In a New Window’ and then add “/webhook” to the URL of the new window.
  4. Copy the URL into Hookpad and you’re good to go!

Here’s a step by step gif to for this Glitch quick test:

If you have any doubts regarding this please feel free to contact us.

4. Once your project is setup, you’ve added contracts, and maybe add a webhook you can subscribe to events:

In here you can select which events you want to “listen” from a contract, you can also select to listen to all events. Events will start appearing once your webhook is up and running (if you haven’t set up your webhook you can come back to this screen later, fill the webhook field and events will start to appear briefly).

Once you get to this point you’ll be able to expand the events you’ve subscribed to and see the transactions generated and their status.

You’ll also be able to see how events are received on the backend. Events amount to a total counter which is reset every month.

This is how events would look like on the console of the Glitch example used above.

One of our goals is to aid students and small developers who are just getting started so we have a free plan which is only limited by the amount of events you can receive per month. Unlimited plans are also available for you to upgrade once your dapp takes off!

We want to create the best suite of tools for devs to integrate blockchain data into your backend and that’s only possible with your feedback. Please feel free to share your suggestions with us, you can reach us via Telegram, Twitter or via email at info@hookpad.io




Published in hookpad

We provide a plug & play, fully-managed, blockchain event processing solution for dapp developers.

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