How to Last Longer in Bed: Improve Your Endurance

Ryan Bird
Published in
7 min readMay 2, 2024

Let’s talk about something many are curious about, but few discuss at dinner parties: how to last longer in bed. Now, before you blush and scroll past, know you’re not alone in this quest.

Nearly every soul with a bedpost has wondered how to stretch those precious minutes! But there is good news. Our article has plenty of real-deal strategies and tips to help you hold on a bit longer without making things weird or overly scientific.

Illustration Couple Laying on Bed
Photo by: sasint /

The Basics 💪

When you think of ways of how to not cum fast, what pops into your mind? If you’re picturing a marathon session that outlasts the night, let’s recalibrate those expectations. Realistically, average sex lasts anywhere from 3 to 7 minutes, so if you’re clocking in around there, you’re actually pretty normal.

But if you’re zipping to the finish line way sooner than you’d like — say within a minute or two — then you’re dealing with what’s called premature ejaculation. It’s the most common form of sexual dysfunction in men, so if this is you, you’re definitely not sailing this boat alone.

Another thing to clear up is the flood of myths floating around about how to last longer during sex. No, thinking about your grandma or baseball stats isn’t a magic solution. Nor will wearing two condoms make you a marathon man — it just makes for less sensation and possibly a bigger mess.

So stick around! We’re going to get into what does work. Thankfully, you won’t be turning your love life into a comedy sketch.

Mind Over Matter 🧠

If you want to master the art of lasting longer in bed, you’ve got to start with what’s between your ears. Yep, your brain plays a huge part in how quickly you reach the finish line. By tuning into your body’s signals and learning how to regulate them through mental exercises, you can dramatically improve your stamina.

For starters, try focusing on your breathing. Slow, deep breaths can help reduce the physical excitement level. In other terms, it keeps the volcano from erupting too soon… It’s all about staying relaxed and in control. Don’t get lost in the heat of the moment!

Another technique is to practice mindfulness during sex. Be fully present in the moment, paying attention to every sensation and experience without letting your mind race ahead to the finish. By training your mind to stay focused on the now, you can delay ejaculation and extend those intimate moments. With regular practice, these strategies will help you last longer and improve the overall experience. Hopefully, with this info in mind, the nights will be more enjoyable for both you and your partner.

Physical Factors That Play a Role 🏋️‍♀️

Believe it or not, your gym routine can play a big role in how long you last in the sack. Regular exercise boosts not just your stamina but also your self-esteem and blood flow, which are crucial for stellar performance.

Cardio exercises like running, swimming, or even brisk walking are particularly great because they help you build up endurance. And let’s not forget exercises like squats and lunges! They strengthen the pelvic muscles, giving you more control.

Now, let’s talk grub. What you eat affects pretty much everything in your body, including your sex life. Foods rich in zinc, like beans, nuts, and whole grains, can boost testosterone levels, which in turn can help delay ejaculation naturally.

On the flip side, processed foods and high-sugar snacks can do the opposite, making it harder to last longer. So, if you’re looking to keep things going longer, you might want to ditch the junk food and eat more greens and proteins.

Illustration Strong Young Man
Photo by: tixonov_valentin /

The Power of Foreplay 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Rushing to the main event is a common rookie mistake. cisn’t just a box to check off! This part of the sexual experience can significantly extend your time together. So, focus on foreplay.

You reduce the pressure to perform, allowing both partners to ease into the right state of arousal. This build-up can be the key to how to stop quick release naturally. It gives your body more time to adjust to the heightened excitement.

To spice things up, try introducing some creative foreplay tips. Start with something simple like a sensual massage or a steamy shower together. You can also explore each other’s bodies more intentionally, using feathers or ice for a light, teasing touch that drives your partner wild.

These activities not only heighten arousal but also deepen your connection, making every moment count even before you get to the main act!

Read also: How To Increase Libido In Women

Techniques During the Act 👫

One effective way to manage your endurance in bed is by using the start-stop method. It works like this: engage in sexual activity until you feel you’re close to climax, then stop all stimulation before resuming after a short break. This pause helps decrease your arousal level, allowing you to learn how to delay ejaculation naturally over time. Consistent practice of this method can significantly increase your control.

Here are a few more techniques to add to your toolkit:

  • The Squeeze Technique: When you’re close to climax, press the tip of your penis for a few seconds. This pressure helps reduce the urge to ejaculate and lets you continue for longer.
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strong pelvic muscles can greatly enhance your ability to control ejaculation. Engage these muscles by doing Kegels daily.
  • Edging: Get close to orgasm and then stop all stimulation, waiting until the urge to climax subsides. This not only builds stamina but also teaches you more about your arousal levels.
  • Vary Your Pace: Alternating between fast and slow rhythms can help you maintain better control over your arousal.

Strategic position changes during sex can also help manage premature ejaculation. Try switching to a position that offers less intense stimulation when you feel you’re nearing climax. This brief break in intensity can allow you to reset and continue enjoying the moment without rushing to the finish.

Communication is Key 🗯️

Talking things out isn’t just for solving who does the dishes; it’s vital for figuring out how to last longer in bed too. Honest chats about what feels good and what pushes you too close to the edge can help your partner understand how to pace things. Discussing sexual preferences openly can lead to more satisfying sex because when you’re both in the know, you can adjust the action to make it better for both sides. So next time, instead of just hoping for the best, try talking it out!

It’s also super helpful to establish signals or keywords during the act. Maybe a simple “slow down” or “change it up” can work. These cues allow you to communicate in the heat of the moment without killing the vibe. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work, especially when the dream is learning how to last long.

Illustration Bed Scene
Photo by: Prinz-Peter /

Practical Tips and Tricks 🎯

Looking for some quick fixes to try out tonight? Here are a few practical tips to help you hold back the clock and enjoy the moment longer. First things first, let’s get the basics down: pacing yourself. Start slow — there’s no rush. The slower you start, the more time you have to enjoy.

Other tips to last longer:

  1. Use thicker condoms to reduce sensitivity and help delay climax.
  2. Try a topical desensitizing cream — apply it sparingly to avoid too much numbness.
  3. Master the art of edging during solo sessions to improve your control during the real deal.
  4. Keep a mental note of non-stimulating things to distract your mind just enough to pause your race to the finish.

Besides these quick tips, making some lifestyle changes can also play a big role in how to control ejaculation. Studies on premature ejaculation prove that staying fit, reducing stress through activities like yoga or meditation, and ensuring you have a balanced diet all contribute to better sexual health and endurance.

These aren’t just one-off tricks. They are a part of a bigger plan for a healthier sex life!

When to See a Professional 👨‍⚕️

Sometimes, no matter how many tricks you try or how open the communication is, things don’t improve. If you’re feeling stuck or if anxiety about performance is messing with your sex life, it might be time to call in the pros. A sex therapist or a healthcare provider specializing in sexual health can offer guidance and treatment for issues like premature ejaculation.

These professionals can help you explore deeper psychological factors that might be at play and provide tailored strategies on how to last longer in sex. They’ll look at your medical history, lifestyle, and other factors to create a comprehensive approach. Seeking help shows strength — not weakness — and it’s a step towards enjoying your intimate moments fully and stress-free.

Conclusion 📌

Lasting longer in bed isn’t simply a sign of personal stamina. It involves physical health, mental control, and solid communication with your partner. If you try out the tips and techniques listed here — from breathing exercises and position changes to straightforward chats and smart lifestyle tweaks — you can enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.

Keep practicing because practice not only makes perfect — it makes it fun, too!

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Ryan Bird

Hello! I'm Ryan Bird, an editorial assistant at with over six years of experience testing hookup sites and sharing the latest casual sex trends.