How to Talk About Sex with a Partner

Elaine Chao
Published in
6 min readJun 26, 2024
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Ever felt awkward bringing up sex with your partner? You’re not alone! Many people struggle with this. Knowing how to talk about sex with a partner can really improve your relationship. It’s all about being open, honest, and respectful. With these tips, you can make sexual communication a normal and enjoyable part of your relationship. 👉

1. Choose the Right Time and Place 🕒

Picture trying to bring up sex while your partner is getting ready for work or in the middle of an intense TV show. Not ideal, right? Find a calm moment when you’re both at ease. Timing is everything when it comes to talking sex. I’d recommend doing it after dinner or during a quiet evening at your place. Such a choice can lead to a comfortable conversation without distractions.

Picking the right place is just as important. A quiet, private setting can make all the difference. Talking about sex in a crowded coffee shop is a recipe for embarrassment. Instead, choose a cozy spot at home where you both feel safe and comfortable. This way, you can have a meaningful conversation without worrying about who might overhear.

2. Start with Positives 👍

Compliments go a long way in making your partner feel appreciated. For instance, telling them, “I really love when we cuddle after sex. It makes me feel so close to you,” can set a positive tone and make them more receptive to discussing other aspects.

This approach also helps build confidence. If you start by sharing what’s working well, it can make any constructive feedback easier to swallow. It’s like saying, “You’re already doing great, and here’s how we can make it even better.” This way, the conversation feels more like a team effort rather than a critique session.

3. Be Honest but Kind 🤞

Honesty is important when you decide to talk about sex in a relationship, but it’s all about how you frame it. Saying, “I’d love it if we could try this instead,” is much kinder than, “I hate when you do that.” The key is to focus on what you’d like to improve rather than what’s not working. This way, your partner doesn’t feel attacked and is more likely to listen and respond positively.

Humor can also help lighten the mood. For example, if there’s something you don’t enjoy, you might say, “You know, I’m not a big fan of that move. It feels like I’m doing yoga!” Adding a touch of humor can make the conversation less tense and show that you’re not criticizing, just sharing your preferences.

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4. Use “I” Statements ☝️

Instead of saying, “You never talk about sex with me,” try, “I feel more connected to you when we talk about physical intimacy.” This way, you’re expressing your feelings without blaming your partner, which can help avoid defensiveness.

“I” statements also make the conversation about your experience rather than your partner’s actions. This shift in focus can help your partner understand where you’re coming from. For instance, “I feel more loved when we spend time on sex talk” centers the discussion on your feelings and encourages empathy.

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5. Ask Open-Ended Questions ❓

Encourage a two-way conversation by asking open-ended questions. This helps your partner share their thoughts and feelings too. Questions like, “How do you feel about our sex life?” invite your partner to share their perspective.

Open-ended questions also show that you value your partner’s input. Instead of making it all about what you want, you’re creating a space for them to express their desires and concerns. This approach can lead to a more balanced and satisfying conversation, where both partners feel heard and valued.

6. Listen Actively 👂🏻

Sexual communication is not just about talking; it’s about listening too. Pay attention to your partner’s words and body language. Nodding, making eye contact, and repeating back what they’ve said show you’re engaged and care about their feelings. If your partner says, “I feel nervous about trying new things,” you might respond, “I understand you’re nervous. Let’s take it slow and see what feels comfortable for both of us.”

Active listening also means being patient and not interrupting. It can be tempting to jump in with your thoughts, but giving your partner space to express themselves fully is crucial. This kind of attentive listening builds trust and shows that you respect their perspective, making it easier for them to open up in the future.

7. Be Patient 😌

Understanding how to talk about physical intimacy with a partner takes time. Don’t rush the conversation. Give each other space to think and respond. If your partner seems hesitant, you might say, “Take your time. We can talk about this whenever you’re ready.” Patience shows respect for each other’s comfort levels.

Being patient also means understanding that these conversations might need to happen in stages. You don’t have to cover everything in one go. Taking it step by step can make it less overwhelming and more manageable, allowing both of you to process and discuss each point thoroughly.

8. Share Fantasies and Desires 💫

Talking about sex in a relationship should include sharing fantasies and desires. It can be exciting and bring you closer. Saying, “I’ve always wanted to try…” could lead to a fun and intimate conversation. Sharing these thoughts helps both of you understand each other’s desires better.

Bringing humor into this conversation can make it even more enjoyable. For example, “I’ve always wanted to try role-playing. Maybe I’ll be the pirate, and you can be the damsel in distress!” This not only lightens the mood but also makes the discussion of fantasies feel less intimidating and more playful.

9. Discuss Boundaries 🚧

It’s important to discuss boundaries to ensure both partners feel safe and respected. This helps build trust. You might say, “I’m not comfortable with…” or “I’d prefer if we avoided…” to set clear boundaries. Knowing each other’s limits makes sexual experiences more enjoyable and stress-free.

Discussing boundaries can also be an opportunity to learn more about each other’s comfort zones. For instance, “I’m okay with trying new things, but I need to know we can stop at any time if it doesn’t feel right.” This kind of open dialogue ensures that both partners feel safe and respected.

10. Follow Up 🗣️

Sex talking shouldn’t be a one-time thing. Regular check-ins help maintain a healthy sexual relationship. Asking something like “How are you feeling about our last conversation?” keeps the lines of communication open and ensures that both partners feel heard and satisfied.

Follow-ups can also be fun and light-hearted. For example, “Remember when we talked about trying something new? How about we make a date night out of it?” This not only keeps the conversation ongoing but also adds an element of excitement and anticipation to your relationship.

Conclusion 📌

Talking about sex doesn’t have to be awkward. It’s all about being open and honest. Learning how to talk about sex with a partner can really improve your relationship. So, start those conversations today and watch your bond grow stronger!

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Elaine Chao

Hi, I'm Elainee Chao, a London-based sex blogger at and educator with a psychology degree, providing practical real-world dating advice.