A complete immersive experience through 3D projection mapping

Hoola Team
Published in
5 min readJul 3, 2019

To explore depth perception and the range of narrative with three-dimensional projection mapping.

Using a 270 degrees geodesic dome to enrich the experience of the medium inside an enclosed space, while forming a narrative through light and sound.

Redefining excellence with ground-breaking innovation
Hoola has been working with projection mapping for many years thus, pioneering in innovative strategies for 3D projections and architectural mapping in Pakistan, while also looking for methods to enhance the experience of regular events. Around a year ago, Hoola paired up with one of Pakistan’s most prolific corporations to design the interior for an auspicious event that took place in the company annually. The premise of the event was a yearly commemoration of the trials of the year past, while also a celebration of success, an ode to the greatness of the human mind.

The creative team at Hoola recognized this as an opportunity to bring forth something original and ambitious; a design solution that would work in tandem with the aspirations of their client company, and also showcase the power and the endless possibilities that come with real-time 3D projection mapping. Much of the story-board ideation and the narrative of the projection was to be created in the short time of a month which prompted Hoola to be innovative, bringing in novel ideas on how the technology could be created faster and what scenes would offer the most appeal — to design something that would not just catch the eye, but also rivet the mind.

Staying true to the root of it all, while enhancing its appeal
Beyond the amazement of the technology of 3D projection, what truly made this project unique was that it was using a digital phenomenon that was used in outdoor spaces and architectural facades, and bringing it into an enclosed indoor space. This was the first time something of the sort had been attempted indoors. The crux of the challenge here was to create not just an indoor space, but an entire experience, worthy of the reputation the company holds. Starting from the theme itself, which was aptly called ‘Power of You’, the experience had to reel you in from the very entrance.

what truly made this project unique was that it was using a digital phenomenon that was used in outdoor spaces and architectural facades, and bringing it into an enclosed indoor space.

Hoola’s creative team recognized the potential an event of this scale had to push the boundaries of the tools of their trade — a way to get the technology out there to the masses. They started story-boarding, thinking of visuals that would communicate the theme and also hold appeal in order to have an effect in the mind. The visuals would correspond to an audio narration telling the story of how man has, in such a short span of his existence on earth, managed to makes leaps and bounds in technology and in their social affairs.

Keeping the theme of the heavens in mind, only one physical intervention was made to enhance the capacities of the digital medium: a 270 degrees projection using a geodesic dome, constructed on site and placed center-stage.

The dome was an innovative means to exhibit the great advances made in the realm of technology. It was designed to pull you in, make use of all your senses, adding another layer of depth perception to the fold. The geodesic element of the dome served as a playing-field

– the geometry of the dome with its myriad surfaces allowed a more dynamic canvas for the 3D projection,

a means to test the boundaries of the medium.

This would serve as both a marker for the excellence of a company going seven decades strong, and a way to raise awareness of the inventive technology that exists in this strata of design by creating a space full of shared immersive experience.

A space full of shared immersive experience.

In this project, the entire narrative was divided into three phases — Explore, Endure and Elevate — and each phase was to have a specific set of visuals that corresponded with the story-telling and the narration. In the Explore phase, the visuals depicted the heavens and the cosmos, and synapses firing in the brain.

A dramatic paradox between something so large and something so minute. The Endure phase was to depict the strength of man and the power of human thought, succeeded immediately by the Elevate phase. By this point, the visual tempo would have increased and the narration would become more poignant, in order to enhance the effect of a sharp climax — where the theme and the logo would be revealed.

The outcome was the transformation of a regular event space into something other-worldly. The walls of the regular space became

a canvas where light was used as a medium,

and every physical aspect of it was enhanced and made surreal. This transformation of a regular space was enhanced by the juxtaposition of the geodesic dome at the center. It gave the team at Hoola something more to work with and to play around with — an opportunity to create a statement on ambition and development.



Hoola Team
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Seamlessly merging the realms of innovation in design, technology and visual media to create wholly immersive sensory experiences for the new age.