hoo.gy, email template for our customers.

Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2014

I publish the email template I use as new reservation notification to my customers so that you can suggest how to improve it.

Hey, Johny(name renter/renting company)

Our customer “Doe”(name of customer who wants the item) would like to rent out “XYZ item” from you! Please consider to drop him/her a message at “doe@ema.il”(this can also be replaced with a twitter handle) as soon as you can.

If you have any problem with this request, please forward this email at “yourfriends@hoo.gy”, We can’t wait to hear from you soon!

You are rocking this business!

Pascal — hoo.gy team.

Anyways, we need more followers @hoopeez, and we are on Facebook!

I tried to make user friendly that way, to give receivers a sense of communicating with a real person, rather than a dump computer!

The email is copy lefted, so feel free to improve it, use it and share it. If you ever have an email that you use with your application, and you wish to share with us, let us know yourfriends@hoo.gy.



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community based platform for renters — think of airbnb for everything