hoo.gy, the landing page proposal

Published in
1 min readJan 6, 2015

Current landing page doesn’t allow users to get the general idea. This update helps to better understand what the app/platform is all about, and how it can be used. It may also have a general notification + a link to features being working on!

Welcome to hoo.gy, a community based platform that makes it easy to rent out items from your garage to all netizens around the web, or from other netizens to your home!

You will be able to add tools and equipments you wish to rent out to the community, as well as to search and make reservations of tools and equipments you wish to use temporarily. For tools or equipments that are not available yet, please leave an announcement, we will notify you when it becomes available!

Let get started

This blog has been reproduced on our official blog

It is time to make a new version of verbiage we show on our landing page! The version above, doesn’t show clearly “yet” what the platform is all about. The new version goes this way:

hoo.gy helps you to rent out stuff to our community of renters! Alternatively, hoo.gy proposes stuff for rent, its community would otherwise bought.

There is a great hope that this narrative will be easily read and sends a message clearer than its predecessors.



Editor for

community based platform for renters — think of airbnb for everything