5 Reasons You Should… Play Football

Hoops Connect
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2016


The thinking behind our “5 Reasons You Should…” series is to try and keep people active, but also to get people trying new things they might not have previously. In our first entry in the series, we wrote about why you should try yoga, and tackled the stigmas associated with the activity.

You might not think football has a stigma because of its popularity, but that’s partly why there is one to begin with. ‘Lad culture’ often dominates the game, and if you don’t frequent Nandos or care that someone dabbed, you might feel like a bit of an outcast. Or maybe you think you just get enough of the sport from playing FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer.

Whatever the reason, here are 5 reasons you should give the countries most popular sport a go; in real life!

1. Inexpensive to play

It’s always nice to play on a proper pitch, but you can have just as much fun with just a ball and a few jackets for posts. When you look at golf, for example, where you need multiple expensive clubs to play, it really makes football look all the more inexpensive. Ironic, considering some of the wage bills…

2. It’s great for keeping you fit…

Like most sports, football can be a really effective, and importantly fun, way to keep fit. The shifts between walking, running and sprinting mean that you are pushed to different extents each game, and this tests your body in different ways; which is always good. The general movement in a football match increases aerobic capacity and cardiovascular health, and because of it being mostly a non-contact sport, it means you’re less likely to seriously hurt yourself when compared to a sport like rugby.

3. …but you don’t need to be in great shape to play

Certain sports might require peak physical fitness, but even if you’re not, you can still have a fair go at football. The best players at the top-tier level aren’t always the strongest or fastest, and as long as you try hard, you’ll be able to get along pretty well at street level. Maybe lay off the overhead kicks if you’re not in your best shape, though…

4. Builds friendships and teamwork

At the office alone, we’ve made so many friends just because of football. Whether it’s through massive FIFA tournaments in our university halls, or just joining in with random kickabouts in parks, we owe a lot of our friends to our love of the game. The thrill of playing a great match or pulling off a slick team move will improve your teamworking abilities on and off the pitch, but it will also bring you closer to your friends. Maybe not if they’re on the other team, though…

5. Great for pick up games

Something like tennis, with just two players, might be difficult to just walk in to a park and pick up a game of. Rounders, with specific roles and positions, might be difficult to just walk up and join in too. Not impossible, but difficult. That’s why football is so great, though.

The numbers can be odd, even, small, big, and you can still play. You don’t even need specific equipment to play, so no more “I forgot to bring my racket” excuses. Don’t forget the football, though!

Also, for those that need a bit more help finding pick-ups and games…



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