Meet Morgan, Senior Business Value Analyst at Hootsuite

Learn how going an extra ten percent landed Morgan a job at Hootsuite—and how offering help to others, being curious and forming genuine connections is at the root of her success.

Hootsuite Careers
Hootsuite Careers
5 min readJan 8, 2019


“If you would have asked me a few years ago if I thought I would be an analyst, I would have laughed at you. However, there is honestly no job more exciting for me today.”

Introduce yourself!

I’m an Ottawa girl, born, raised and schooled. I moved to Vancouver on a whim, without a job, and it was the best decision I ever made! It landed me a career at one of the best companies in the world, in the most beautiful city in the world. I definitely see myself as a Jill-of-all-trades in the sense that I am interested in EVERYTHING. If I had the time in my life to pursue all career paths, I would. As it stands, I fulfill this need by participating in all sorts of activities.

This year, I’ve been on soccer, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, and dodgeball teams. I’ve taken swing dancing classes, sewing classes, and yoga classes. I even joined a choir. I’m motivated by learning and lured by shiny pieces of knowledge and experience I haven’t come across before.

How would you speak to your career path so far?

I have a degree in Communications and a minor in Psychology. While in Ottawa, this set me up perfectly for the numerous government positions open for new graduates. I worked in internal communications for a while before landing in Vancouver looking for a new direction.

My first job at Hootsuite was as an entry-level Sales Development Representative (think cold calling). While it only lasted four months, it was extremely formative. The skills I have gained from that role are priceless; it taught me how to dig and probe and think on my feet, to connect ideas, and negotiate — all skills that play into any job or personal situation.

Since that time, I have been extremely fortunate to move to the Business Value Analyst (BVA) team, where I was promoted to Senior BVA shortly after! It is still so early in my career, but I am thrilled at where I am. If you would have asked me a few years ago if I thought I would be an analyst, I would have laughed at you. However, there is honestly no job more exciting for me today. My job combines research and analysis with creative writing and slide design, which I get to present to executives at some of the biggest organizations in North America. Did I mention I get to travel, too?

Read more about the BVA team here.

“Always go one step further. Always polish your work. Always take the time to nurture those around you. One-third of your life is spent working, so why wouldn’t you make it the best environment it could be?”

What has been the greatest learning moment in your career?

When you realize that most of the people you’re working with are also just trying to figure out their path, it silences that snarky voice in your head calling you an imposter in your field. The truth is, while you might assume that what you know is common knowledge, it rarely is.

You have so much to bring to the table based on your experience, your unique perspective, or even in soft skills such as emotional intelligence which is equally important in being successful. Understanding that you are already intelligent and capable allows you to be open to improvement, asking for help and being confident in new opportunities — all things which open up your career and personal development.

Another learning moment is realizing colleagues, clients, and professional connections are not stepping stones for your career, but individual people. Likewise for clients. Everyone just wants to do their best and achieve the best they can. Relationships you forge should be genuine. Networking should be genuine. Offering others help, curiosity, and caring will open those same doors for you.

What advice would you give to people who are early in their careers or new to Hootsuite?

Always go one step further. Always polish your work. Always take the time to nurture those around you. One-third of your life is spent working, so why wouldn’t you make it the best environment it could be?

When I first moved to Vancouver, the only reason I got a job at Hootsuite was because I attended a sales networking event. I had never worked in sales, nor had I ever been to a networking event. On top of that, I’m an introvert, so sales and networking are definitely out of my comfort zone. However, I enjoy people and I wanted to work in a position that made a measurable difference.

So, I challenged myself. I spoke to many people that evening. When I was tired out, I got my coat to leave the networking event. But then I thought to myself, “Just talk to one more person, and then you can leave.” That final person was the one who would end up hiring me. Likewise in my entire career, in all the projects I work on, in all the relationships I make, that final ten percent is what sets me up for future success and allows me to stand out.

My team at a hoot holiday celebration!

What has been the most notable thing you’ve learned from your co-workers?

My coworkers are the smartest, kindest people I know. Every day I benefit from their expertise. At Hootsuite, everyone comes from such different education and work backgrounds that they’re bringing a specific angle to the job that you can learn from. Free schooling for me!

Interested in joining the team at Hootsuite? See our openings here.



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