What does Pride mean to you?

Because we are all unique individuals, Pride can mean something different to each of us. In celebration of Pride month, we asked employees to share their definition of Pride. Here are a few of the many responses.

Hootsuite Careers
Hootsuite Careers
3 min readJun 29, 2018


“Pride is a celebration of diversity and LGBTQ+. It is about reinforcing equal rights for all people.”

“In some parts of the world, we’re privileged to have the ability to live free and openly as queer identifying people. To me, Pride means using that privilege to empower those whose voices aren’t heard as loudly, and ensure that people of all genders and orientations feel that they can celebrate who they are without fear. To feel safe and supported as a queer-identifying person in the workplace gives us the ability to fight for LGBTQ2IA+ rights both within and outside of organizations. Feeling safe at work helps ensure intersectional discussions in everything we do, both personally and professionally.”

“Pride means living a life that is authentic and true to who you are inside — without shame.”

“As a bisexual person, I struggle with the invisibility of my identity. Pride to me means being fully and entirely myself without feeling the need to turn parts of myself ‘off’ depending on where I am or who I’m around. Pride is the LGBTQ+ community saying ‘This is who we are, and we’re proud of it.’”

“Love is love. Unity. Support. No judgement.”

“To me, Pride means showing my support as an LGBTQ+ ally and celebrating the progress that’s been made as a community. It’s both a celebration of inclusivity and a remembrance of the hard work, dedication, and suffering that took place to get us to where we are today.”

“I’m not Canadian and was not born here but was very lucky to be welcomed into this country. Pride is being proud of who you are. It’s about not worrying what others will think of you or being discriminated against based on your race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.”

“Pride is a celebration of inclusivity and freedom of expression — it’s a party to recognize the beautiful privilege of being alive and a reminder that we are all one species, that we should support and love each other unconditionally.”

“It is how we celebrate our diverse and inclusive LGBTQ community. It commemorates years of struggle by countless people to get to where we are and a reminder that we still have a long way to go.”

“Pride is about providing freedom and safety for all. So everyone can be their true and full selves. In this way, we are unburdened and unleashed, allowing us to all reach higher and further together.”



Hootsuite Careers
Hootsuite Careers

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