Real-time Business Communication: With Hop channels

Say hello to the most efficient and organized way to communicate… with anyone

3 min readJan 7, 2018


Everyone is well aware of how outdated, confusing, and unorganized email is. More so, people know about alternatives, however none of which quite match the offering of Hop. With the adoption of Hop, and use of it’s channels, businesses are given the best tool for managing workflow and productivity.

Unlike all the other productivity service providers, Hop is the ONLY one which works on top of existing email. Additionally, these service providers all focus on improving internal communication, however companies today must communicate outside of their walls and with external sources. This is where the use of Hop’s channels differs from anything else, and provides the best solution for all communication needs.

With Hop’s focus on improving both internal, and external communication, now separate businesses are able to connect, and create a workspace for ultimate collaboration. With Hop’s multitude of provided features and capabilities, using channels for collaboration has never been as effective. No more jumping over to other messaging products and asking others to join you there for project work. Just create a Channel, invite members, and in real-time in your inbox you can do everything to keep projects moving forward: post messages, upload files, schedule meetings, edit shared Google sheets, and many more.

Quickly get everyone on board

Joining a new assignment or department can be challenging, as it requires for quick understanding of the groups previous context. Hop allows for easily adding new members to existing channels. Using Hop they get immediate access to discussion history, and a searchable archive for easily finding any content. Sharing project knowledge was never so easy.

Hop users have found many different uses for channels. For example, the growing eCommerce business for selling art, Artistly uses channels for communicating with it’s customer relationship partner, Insightly. In the past, the two used a mix of emailing, Google Drive, and phone conferences, which caused difficulty in keeping up with conversations, and slowed them down. By adopting Hop, and using a shared channel(#CRM-team), the two companies now conduct all their communication in real time, and are able to complete tasks at a much faster rate.

It doesn’t stop there, Artistly’s founder, John Bryce, has around 200 customers. What he wanted, was to conduct a product review, and to include all his clients in an organized platform where he can communicate to all of them in real time. He created a #ProductRev channel, and sent a Hop channel invite to all of them. His clients received a link in their inbox, and by clicking that link they were instantly added to the convo, where they could see all discussion history, and all this without joining or subscribing to anything. In order to actively participate and write feedback, only then would they be required to create a Hop account.

In the very near future, Hop will introduce a fully functional desktop and web interface platform. This will provide users with a fully capable platform, for conducting all communication and productivity tasks.



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