Why use PIPES Buffer

Daniel Maia
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2020

What is PIPES Buffer

PIPES Buffer (CAS 5625–37–6) with full chemical name as 1,4-Piperazinediethanesulfonic acid, is a zwitterionic biological buffer. It is a white powder solid at normal temperature. PIPES Buffer is not very soluble in water (1 g/L (100 °C). It becomes soluble by mixing equimolar solutions of sodium salt to titrate to the appropriate pH. Such as PIPES Disodium Salt Buffer (CAS 76836–02–7) and PIPES sesquisodium salt (CAS 100037–69–2).

Applications of PIPES Buffer

PIPES Buffer is widely used in cell culture, chromatography, cosmetics, diagnostic tests, protein purification, and electron microscopic study. PIPES Buffer is similar to MES Buffer and MOPS Buffer (also manufactured by Hopax), this Good’s Buffer lacks the capability to form a complex with most metal ions, therefore it is recommended to be used as a noncoordinating buffer in solutions with metal ions.

The advantage of PIPES Buffer

According to the relevant literature, Use the NaOH-PIPES-buffered glutaraldehyde solution in the ultrastructural aspects of various tissues, such as human skin, human hypertrophic scars, and mollusc neuronal tissue, etc. The result shows it can observe more detail between organelles and the cytoplasm is more homogeneous in consistency. Compare with NaOH-PIPES-buffered, microfilaments and microtubules are more commonly observed in PIPES tissue. Furthermore, PIPES Buffer is proofed at comparability with living cells in cultures.

Please contact us for the high-quality PIPES!


[1]Technical Data Sheets(https://www.emsdiasum.com/microscopy/technical/datasheet/19230.aspx)

[2]The role of the buffer in the fixation of biological specimens for transmission and scanning electron microscopy

