History of Stem Cells

Nader Lotfi
Hope Bio
4 min readNov 10, 2020


Hope Biosciences YouTube Channel

A Brief Overview

For this dive into the history of stem cells, we will be covering some history behind the following types of stem cells: 1. Embryonic Stem Cells, 2. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, and 3. Mesenchymal Stem Cells.

Most scientific discovery begins with curiosity. It’s in our nature be inquisitive. The search for answers brings forth new insights that redirects the scientific community onto new ventures. This persistent quest for knowledge led some curious scientists in the early 1800’s to begin searching for the cells they believed gave rise to all the others observed in living things. Their search for these cells, which they coined, ‘Ancestor Cells’, inadvertently sent them on a quest to discover the stem cell. Without even realizing it, these scientists had conjured up the idea of stem cells well before the development of any technology that could prove their existence.

Over a century later in 1945, when the atomic bombs were deployed over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, humans observed the shocking effects of irradiation on a large population for the first time. Much of what we understand from the long-term impacts of radiation poisoning comes from this moment in history. It was during the immediate aftermath of these two bombing events that Japanese doctors began grafting bone marrow from healthy donors into patients. Miraculously, many began recovering! Despite not knowing exactly how this process was helping patients get better, they knew they were onto something.

Bone marrow transplants are an effective treatment against certain cancers and blood and auto-immune disorders, and over 18,000 bone marrow transplants are performed in the U.S. every year. It is impressive that the doctors in 1945 were able to discover the regenerative capabilities of bone marrow without the knowledge that we have today. What we now know is that bone marrow transplants work because they afford the body access to hematopoietic stem cells. These stem cells give rise to blood cells including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. They are very effective in treating blood related diseases, but are unsuccessful in the treatment of other illnesses such as those caused by nerve, tissue or cell damage.

Embryonic Stem Cells

By the early 1980’s, scientists experimenting on laboratory mice discovered ways to isolate embryonic stem cells (ESCs) from mouse embryos . These cells were studied extensively due to their unlimited potential. Embryonic stem cells begin as undifferentiated cells, then develop into every cell type to eventually produce an entire living being! Every specialized cell in your body arose from an embryonic stem cell. In 1998, building on the research into mice ESCs, James Thomson and his team from the University of Wisconsin became the first to successfully isolate and culture human embryonic stem cells, thus paving the way for the future of human stem cell development and research.

By 2001, research into the health benefits of stem cell therapy hit its defining moment. George W. Bush’s administration put a broad restriction on embryonic stem cell research due to ethical concerns. And although at the time this seemed to be a damaging and disruptive turn of events, it resulted in the pursuit of alternative methods and sources. Without this divergence, scientists would never have been challenged to seek out new sources for stem cells.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

In 2006, Japanese doctors Takahashi and Yamanaka became the first to create Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPS). These adult derived stem cells could do virtually everything an embryonic stem cell could, without the need for human embryos, eliminating the public’s ethical concerns. They were given a Nobel Prize for their groundbreaking work that has become the foundation to many new advances in stem cell research. It’s quite possible that without the setback on stem cell research years earlier, we may never have had this breakthrough to build upon today.

Adult Stem Cells

Research and development in the field of stem cell science looks much different today than it did even just a decade ago. Significant developments in adult stem cell research have resulted in thousands of clinical studies that show real promise for their use in a wide array of diseases and conditions. While the exact statistic is impossible to determine, it is estimated that millions of people have received stem cell treatments globally. At Hope Biosciences, we exclusively focus on culturing, banking, and manufacturing Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). These stem cells come from adult sources, such as fat tissue, and are also multipotent — meaning they have the ability to transform into various cell types and therefore have the potential to treat a variety of auto-immune and neurological diseases, as well as chronic pain, brain injury, and diabetes. Our ability to multiply these cells and produce thousands of treatments from one master cell bank has allowed us to pursue proving the efficacy of these cells through clinical research studies. We are actively working on over a dozen FDA cleared clinical trials while also operating as a full-scale stem cell banking facility for adults and newborns.

Hope Biosciences, Sugar Land, Texas

Today, there are over 1,000 ongoing stem cell clinical trials in The United States alone. These trials are incredibly important as they represent the only legal avenue currently available for receiving stem cell treatments in the U.S. As the medical community continues to embrace and support stem cell therapy options, these trials will serve as indicators of the true potential of stem cells just waiting to be widely accessible for use.

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Nader Lotfi
Hope Bio

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