The Very First Blog Post

Donna Chang
Hope Bio
Nov 6, 2020


Photo, Hope Biosciences

Every blog has its first post. This blank white screen and blinking cursor is rather intimidating. It wouldn’t feel this way if we were seasoned bloggers or writers. But truth be told, we are not. We are simply a group made up of passionate stem cell geeks that are on a mission to get the word out in a clear, accurate, easy-to-understand manner. Why? Because the information overload that’s out there is so confusing and nobody knows what to believe.

So, if you’re reading this, thanks for dropping in. Please stay tuned and participate in the conversation by asking us questions. We love your questions and most of all, we love providing the answers.



Donna Chang
Hope Bio

Founder and CEO of Hope Biosciences. I’m a mom of 2-year-old twins and determined to change the future of their health (and mine too).