2019 Hope FFC Update

Dave Falcone
Hope Church
Published in
5 min readNov 14, 2019

Why No Article Yet This Year?

Sooooooooooo … where have I been? That is the question a very, small, select few of you have wondered. I can entertain you with a litany of excuses.

My dog died (I don’t have a dog).

I have been in a coma for the past two months (also not true, but I did have surgery in September, does that count?)

I have been away on business (ok, fine I have been seen at church literally every week).

I just forgot (except I have had a note on my desk for 10 weeks reminding me to send this out).

I was being LAZY!!! (OK, that seems like the most logical reason.)

To be completely honest, last year, on Tuesday afternoons, I found myself sitting in the very loud lobby of my daughters dance studio. And for one hour, while young toddlers would consistently find ways to annoy me, bump into me, or literally play over my feet rather than being supervised by their parents, I would throw in a pair of headphones and type away a quick update to the league. It was my weekly tradition. It kept me consistent and honest at writing this article.

What’s changed? Well my loving wife has decided to take our daughter to her dance rehearsal each week. So that has left me at home watching my other daughter, and she and I have made a weekly date of playing games for the hour that its just her and I. I wouldn’t trade that time for writing you guys some articles. So there! Thats a good reason! But I still need to get back on top of doing this.

And it is my vow to do so for you now!

Game of the Month

I know in the initial information, I suggested we gather for a Game of the Month. I am working on the details now. I am going to be sending out something to everyone by the end of the day, but the plan is to gather together at a local joint for food and drinks. If you are interested, please let me know!


So, MFL, huh? Not a huge fan? Thats ok. Its not the best platform, but until one of the other major players in the market creates something that can allow 60 teams play under one roof, it makes it insanely difficult for me to manage everything AND for everyone to see what is going on. I mean, look at our league page … we are all on there!

I get there is a learning curve and things can be difficult at times, but hang in there! I promise it is for the for the best overall.

There are some pretty cool features on MFL though, if you look deep enough. Let’s take a look together!

Power Rankings

To find these, start at the menu at the top of the page:
Reports > Standings > Power Rank

Through 10 weeks, here is the current list of power rankings:

That’s right all, a 9th grade high school student sits at the top of the power rankings. T-mo Park is kicking butt and taking names.

We do have one team that is undefeated, and so props goes out to Don Ferguson because 10–0 to start the season is quite a feat. He better hope he drops a game sometime before playoffs, because 16–0 is tough to pull off.

All Play Record

So if we stacked everyone up against each other every week, how would it pan out? Well, MFL can show that too! Here are your top 12.

Hmmm, the 2017 and 2018 champs are represented here…

Two teams both at 5–5 make an appearance here. This is important because if they sneak into the playoffs, they should NOT be underestimated. One of which has the third highest points scored through 10 weeks.


Note, playoffs start in week 13! There are only two weeks left of the regular season.

CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS — Each conference will have its own set of playoffs where the top six teams battle against each other to crown its Conference winner. These playoffs will be typical playoff format that you would see in your normal home league.

  • They will take place during weeks 13–15 of the NFL
  • Week 13 will be the 3rd seed v. 6th seed and 4th v. 5th. Division winners will receive a bye.
  • Week 14, the winners of those games in week 14 will play the 1st and 2nd seeds.
  • Week 15, the winners from week 15 battle to crown a winner of the conference. Bragging rights included (and a small trophy)!

LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP — During week 16, we will have one last battle of epic proportions that will crown ONE victor. Here is how it will go down:

  • All conference champions will face off in an all play during week 16.
  • Highest score that week of those teams will be crowned the Hope FFC League Champion!

Yes there is a great possibility that multiple teams in each round have similar rosters/players. We will keep an eye on free agency in each league to make sure no one is dropping players for someone in their division to pick up for the playoffs. We will lock rosters if necessary.

Questions, Let me know.



Dave Falcone
Hope Church

husband • father • friend • self proclaimed dynasty football guru • seeking God's grace daily