Meeting Michael 

Ben Cooley
Hope for Justice
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2013


The road for every start-up is unique but there’s no substitute for communicating your vision. Last year I had the absolute privilege of sharing Michael’s story from the stage of Hope Conference. Michael was trafficked into the UK for labour exploitation before Hope for Justice rescued him and referred him into aftercare. Sharing his story on that night was profoundly moving for two reasons. Number one, Michael is a delight. A really bright guy with a quick sense of humour, dedicated to his family and eager to turn in an honest day’s work. Everyone on team loved getting to know him and watching him get back on his feet. The second reason is that everyone in that room had contributed to his rescue in their own generous way. When our supporters gave up time for a sponsored cycle ride or made the decision to donate to us out of their wages every month, they got behind our vision and earned the right to say a part of its fulfilment belonged to them. So when we rescued Michael, they owned the victory just as much as any of us.

Now imagine the moment: a packed house and every chair filled by someone who’s sacrificed towards our goal of ending human trafficking in our country, in our lifetime. I tell the story of Michael’s exploitation and then, to the surprise of our supporters, invite this very man they’ve helped set free to the stage. The place erupts and the crowd come to their feet with an energy that expands to fill the room. I can hardly hear myself think over the whooping and clapping. Totally off the cuff he gives a speech so poignant I couldn’t have written it with all the ink in England. Asking for the mic he says a heartfelt thanks to everyone in the room, all these supporters who have made his freedom possible, and the staff members who had gone in to get him.

“My life was hell but thanks to you I am now in heaven.”

He totally stole the show. Tears rolled down countless faces and nobody seemed to want to sit down as he finished.

At the conference debrief, and even months later at our 2012 Review, loads of my team cited meeting Michael as their highlight of the year.

What I’m saying here is that whatever your big idea, tell people your vision and their place in it. Once they get it, you’ll find there will always be people who want to work for you. Others will be corporate sponsors and even more will be bake sale heroes. No matter whether they’re your interns or your investors they’ll need to know those same two things; your vision and their place in it. They’ll need their ‘Michael moment’, whatever form it may take - an experience from which they can clearly comprehend where you’re going and how they’re making it possible.

Our supporters have earned that much, actually and taking the time out to find a way of giving it to them will reward you both. After Hope Conference we saw an unpredicted, unprecedented growth in every area - in finance, in volunteer hours, in social media and plenty more. So as 2013 starts we’re thinking about how to refocus on the fundamentals, starting with the vision and everyone’s place in it.



Ben Cooley
Hope for Justice

CEO and co-founder of @hopeforjustice // love justice, freedom and hope