A Higher-Order in Duality’s Chaos

A Poem

Asim Nori
Hope * Healing * Humour
2 min readApr 29, 2022


Photo by Ricardo Viana on Unsplash

Seemingly separate occurrences
Sewn together as a whole
A larger mosaic of the universe
Each individual playing their role

Seen from a limited perspective
Life is just a sequence of events
Looking through the soul’s eyes
It all just beautifully connects

Based on our past
We label a thing as good or bad
Swinging between the polarities
Emotions stuck amid happy and sad

There are challenges in every story
But the end is always the same
Revealing the climax prematurely
Life is not that lame

There will be no destination
Without the experiences of the journey
Cherish each event then
For it replenishes your wisdom library

There is a higher-order
Present underneath all creations
Duality’s chaos is mere ripples
On the vast ocean of life’s manifestations

Know then in your soul
That it is all part of the plan
For you to remember who you are
As humans transform into an evolved clan

Check out this amazing post by Grace Shermer. Her message is clear and simple. Our life is unfolding in our best interests already, as part of the universal plan. We just need to walk the walk and don’t need to get distracted along the way, getting bogged down by our expectations, or of others!



Asim Nori
Hope * Healing * Humour

A being on the path of remembrance, sharing experiences along the way.