An Official Annual Summer Event in Scotland …

May the gods be smiling on you!

Maria Rattray
Hope * Healing * Humour


Photo by Brian Kairuz on Unsplash

In this post, Liberty Forrest talks about how words, like fashion, tend to come and go … though fashion, by contrast, often enjoys a resurrection.

Not so much words. But hey, we can change that! Liberty wants you to!

She explains…

“You know how in fashion, something goes out of style (almost before it’s even “in”) and then eventually, it comes around again? EG I think bell bottoms have had three or four resurrections since the 1960s. How come that doesn’t happen with many fabulous words that get kicked to the curb (or to the kerb if you’re in the UK) and left there all alone? Poor, sad, rejected words. Sigh.

“I think we ought to make an effort to give some super cool “obsolete” words the bell bottom treatment. Let’s resurrect some old darlings and give ’em new life!”

I went hunting for some of these super-cool obsolete words and found a few that appealed to my warped sense of humour, like the Scottish one below. I’m not sure one could rightfully call it onomatopoeic, but it certainly reminded me of a special event.

Have you every plunged into the ocean and were totally ill-prepared for the shock of the freezing temperature such that you wanted to scream?



Maria Rattray
Hope * Healing * Humour

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: