Doomscrolling Will Eff You Up Every Time

Where anxiety and FOMO never takes a break

Darlene López
Hope * Healing * Humour


The older I get, the more I want to deactivate my social media accounts or have them somewhere else that’s not visible at all, not on my phone.

Hmm, where can I hide this thing?

Nowadays, the only way people know I’m alive, and vice versa, is through these apps.

Am I becoming a prude, or is social media sucking the life out of the things I could really be doing instead?

Or both.

I haven’t figured it out yet, but pretty soon I will.

Whenever I delete the apps from my phone, I have no other choice but to focus on my creativity, and I miss doing that.

I don’t want to carry news apps or social media on my phone anymore. I’d like to keep all that business somewhere else, managed from a computer, during certain hours of the day but not during free time, family time, or social events. They can be posted and shown off another time.

No phones allowed!

It’s not that hard; I’ve done it before.

Reality is, as a stay-at-home mom, I crave human connection, motivation, inspiration from other artists, meaningful conversations, and finding interest in the way others…

