Member-only story
Finding My Equilibrium After My Upset With Medium
Every relationship has its challenges
As many of us are aware, things have been challenging here for a while.
And although I’d never been one to gripe about Medium, this week I’d reached my saturation point.
There were more issues than the one about money, although that was certainly a big one. First, I shared my feelings in this post, and then I wrote another one earlier today but deleted a couple of hours later.
I needed to get out the rest of my frustration, but weirdly, in doing so, I didn’t recognise myself. Sure, I felt better for having got rid of my feelings, but immediately I felt worse for having spewed some anger that I shouldn’t have published.
Yay for “delete story.”
I’d found my equilibrium again.
But what had set me off? And why did I feel okay about leaving the first piece published but I needed to delete the second?
Let me back up a bit.
Normally, I don’t pay much attention to the ups and downs here with glitches or spammers or money changes. Sure, I’ve had my moments of fear or worry or frustration, but they don’t last. Generally, I figure it’ll work itself out.