Hey Dad, Check Out My Ten-Pound Catch!

An afternoon by a lakeshore

Yana Bostongirl
Hope * Healing * Humour


2 ducks swimming on a tranquil lake
Ducks on a tranquil pond: Image by author

Everyone, including introverts, gets lonely sometimes. The trick is not to dwell on it or there is a high chance of it spiralling into self-pity.

Last Saturday, the house felt unexpectedly empty. Even with a long list of chores and bills to tackle, I couldn’t shake the thought “Oh my gosh, it’s such a beautiful day, and am I the only one who really has nowhere to go?

With my long-distance relationship leaving me without immediate company, the only other option was to find my own way to make the most of my day.

I have a list of lakes and nature trails I’m still working through, so I decided to head to one. With my folding chair in tow, I found a spot by the lakeshore to soak in the view. The lake was calm with two ducks leaving soft v-shaped waves in the water that spread out behind them as they paddled, and geese floating in the distance.

Soon the rhythmic push and pull of the waves against the shore lulled me into a deep meditative state.

However, the spell was broken when a little boy shouted, “Hey Dad, look at my catch! I caught 10 pounds of….” For a moment, anticipation hung in the air as everyone waited to hear what kind of impressive catch he had made, only to hear his triumphant announcement—…



Yana Bostongirl
Hope * Healing * Humour

Owner of Good Vibes Club & The Heritage Pub| I'm a blend of cultures from South Africa, India & USA| Masters in Econ|🦋https://yanabostongirl.substack.com/