How To Unlock Your Limitless Potential In One Simple Step
Need a little magic? Read on.
Hey, Kids! How’s everyone in our beloved Pub Family? And how are all the other Mediumalians? Hehe! Hm. Medium Aliens? What might that mean? My way-too-creative brain has just gone to several places…all of them weird.
Anyhoo…how are youuu??? What sort of week have you had? Are you in need of some “Rah! Rah! Sis Boom Bah!” from your own personal gang of cheerleaders here at HHH? Or maybe a hefty dose of TLC with some cybercuddles, a fresh pot of cinnamon tea, and some of those warm chocolate chip cookies I just love to have at the ready?? 💜🫖🍪
Drop into the comments (carefully, don’t hurt yourself! Drop gently!) and share your great news! Or your kinda okay news! Or your mediocre news! Or your oh-dang-that-really-sucks news! We’re here to support or encourage or lift you up (figuratively, of course. Muscle? What the heck is that?)
Thought I’d share a li’l somethin’ different this week, as I was playing with my Tarot cards earlier. And oh, my goodness! Yay!! I got the Magician! One of my favourites!
Although to be fair to the other 77 cards, they’re all special in their own way. Even the “not so happy ones.” Like the Tower, where everything has blown up, flames are shooting out of the windows…