How Would Your Life Be Better If You Could Go Back?

What would be different?

Liberty Forrest
Hope * Healing * Humour
7 min readJul 16, 2024


Hope, Healing and Humour’s July 16 newsletterish, theme is “Do-Overs … Wouldja?”
Image by author

“The most useful form of time travel would be to go back a year or two and rectify the mistakes we made.” — Matt Lucas

Hey, Kids! How’s everyone in our splendiferous Pub Family? And of course, the kids in the rest of Medium Land? Whatcha been doing since last week? Hangin’ out on the swings or upside down from the monkey bars at the playground? Spinning on the merry-go-round? (Uh-oh. 🤢)

Or maybe your life has been more about weeding around the bushes at the playground, mowing the lawn, or repairing the fence. If so, I hope you took some time to zip down the slide a time or two, or bounce on the springy horses.

If it wasn’t such a fun week, drop into the comments where you can tell us all about it. We’ll give you some TLC, as many cyber-cuddles as you can stand, and as always, my cyber kitchen is open for the usual pot of cinnamon tea and warm chocolate chip cookies. 🍪🫖💜

We’d also love to cheer you on if you’ve got some great news! We’ll do a li’l happy dance for you and everything! “Yes, I’d like an order of rah, rah, rah with a side of cha cha cha, to go, please!



Liberty Forrest
Hope * Healing * Humour

Creator of “Witchy” cartoon. Award-Winning Author. My PUBS: 1) The Afterlife; 2) First Line Fiction; 3) Hope Healing and Humour; 4) TheWitchyOne (for Witchy!)