“I Want to Know What Love Is” by Foreigner (1984)

James Beaufait
Hope * Healing * Humour
2 min readFeb 26, 2023


Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

Foreigner — I Want To Know What Love Is (Official Music Video) — YouTube

A Past Journey Between the Lyrics . . .

Where is my love? I’m looking everywhere. She’s not here.

There are no clues just another day crawling forward into the fog rolling through the streets of the city. It’s cold and wet, the sun has abandoned the day and is heading into an inky velvet darkness.

Where is she? Will we ever meet again? Will it be a surprise as we come around a corner or somewhere along our trodden path that wound through our lonely city days and nights?

I want to feel your arms around me, I want to feel your heartbeat echoing mine and feel that we have found love again.

I know the emptiness of what love is without you; will love return, will you return, will we ever love again?

The mind spins in circles, jumbled thoughts and images randomly swirl about, the heart thumps erratically, and my soul searches the emptiness of your absence.

No, you won’t show me love, for love is not here, or anywhere. Love is adrift on an ebb tide. The ship has sailed. There is no return.

The fog’s wet and cold. The night chills to the bone. I begin to walk slowly…



James Beaufait
Hope * Healing * Humour

Living our dream off-grid in Hawaii; passionate about creative expression: Wabi-sabi stories, living and dreaming consciously, and communing with Mother Nature.