“It’s Not Me; It’s You”: Projection — a Common Relationship Challenge
How to know when it really IS you, and when it isn’t
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.” — Lao Tzu
Hey, Kids! How’s our beloved Pub Family? And all the other Mediumarnians? Yikes. These are getting weirder. Or more fun. Or C) both of the above. 🤪
What’s happenin’ in your world? Has it been a “Yay! I’m excited!” kinda week for you? Or an “Oh, dang, I can’t wait to get out of THIS misery!” sorta sitch?
I really hope it was the former. Or at least just a “so-so” week. Or anything that felt good or at least not troublesome.
And if it wasn’t, we’re here to support you best we can. Pop into the comments and let us know if you need some cheering up, cheering on, or just plain “cheer.” The happy kind friends give you. Not the laundry detergent (do they still make that stuff? Interesting name. Maybe it was to try to make people feel better about doing laundry. Although some weirdos love doing laundry. Like yours truly. Ahhh, I loved having lots of kids at home, and loads of laundry to do. It was especially good with two little ones 7–1/2 months apart in cloth nappies to wash and fold every night). And no, I am not…