Leave Me Alone I’m Lonely

Alone in motherhood and how to cope

Darlene López
Hope * Healing * Humour


Honestly, most of my motherhood stories don’t get much attention here, but that’s okay. Whether read by fellow moms or supporters, I’m grateful no matter what. I turned to Medium to share my experiences, hoping to connect with other moms who might feel the same way because it’s about finding solidarity in our journeys.

I was skeptical about writing this, but when I saw Liberty Forrest, Author Newsletter-ish on “Coping With Big Changes,” it resonated with me.

I value honesty and transparency, even if it invites judgment. That’s the beauty of the internet: you can always block the haters and stay true to yourself.

As a mother, I often feel lonely. When I became a mom two years ago, I was unprepared for what would come. People warned me about the lack of sleep and the disruption of my life.

Were they right? Umm, to a certain extent.

Sure, there are rough nights and tough days, but there are also unexpected victories, like finally mastering the art of sleep training. And while I kissed my old life goodbye, my life is not over, and what I’ve gained is far more fulfilling anyway.

It’s lonely at times, with no family near by to help, but I’ve learned to find joy in the little things, whether it’s…

