Medical Intuitive and Pet Mediumship with Betty and Baby Cakes!
Learn what this beloved pet says about the lifetimes he has spent with his owner!
Tuesday afternoon:
My friend Kasey asks if I might listen in for her friend Betty, whose precious dog is very ill. As an animal spirit communicator, I am happy to try. Straightaway, a small dog with rounded ears appears in my vision space. With such immediacy in connecting, I know the answer will be ‘Yes.’
Settling in meditation, I reach out to listen as Medical Intuitive to gather information. I ask for assistance from my spirit guides to learn anything I am meant to know.
Again, the little dog appears.
This time, I note a slightly pointed face (as opposed to a ‘pug’). The small dog is lying down facing to the left. I note that its colour is white.
With permission, I see inside the dog, where my attention is drawn toward its neck and head. A shaded area appears in the throat. I am not a vet, nor do I pretend to be — I am not here to diagnose, only pay attention to ideas.